
Friday, May 1, 2015

Links to Love

Hello lovelies.
I'm sorry I haven't been able to post this week, but a lot has been going on and my family needed me. I spent Sunday through Wednesday in Lexington, my step-sister had her baby on Sunday and his funeral was yesterday. This week has been hard and very emotional and it's going to take some time for things to get back to normal.

Honestly April wasn't a good month and I'm really hoping that May is going to be better. I probably won't have a post up on Tuesday next week, but other than that I should be able to keep to the rest of my weekly schedule.

Anyway, lets get into this weeks Links to Love.

That's it for this week, I'll be back on Sunday with a Weekly Inspiration post and then Monday will be my goals for May!
What links have you been loving this week? Let me know below!

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