
Monday, May 4, 2015

May Goals

Hello lovelies!
Can you believe it's already May? I feel like this year is going by so fast, I can't keep up!

Last month was not a good month, I didn't accomplish much with my goals, and just overall it was a bad month. Thankfully April is over, and I'm on a mission to make May better!

Lose 5 pounds.
Look into the local Beauty College.
Finish Vocabulary Studies Part 1 & 2.
Start & Finish Algebra 2 Part 1.
Start & Try to Finish College Prep US Gov. & Economics
Update About Me Page.
Continue With Blog Redesign.
Find a job.
Open a bank account.
Clean out my closet.

I have 10 goals this month! Let's examine them!

Lose 5 pounds.
I've been working out for the past few months with no results, so I'm really hoping that this month I'll be able to see some results.

Look into the local Beauty College.
For the past few months I've been having a lot of people in my life encouraging me to go to beauty college, so I'm going to go talk to the ladies at the beauty college in my town and see if I like what I see.

Finish Vocabulary Studies Part 1 & 2.
I should finish this in a week or two, I'm really hoping that by the end of the month I'll have a new internet provider and then it'll be easier to get my schoolwork done on time.

Start & Finish Algebra 2 Part 1.
I haven't started this class yet, but I'm hoping I can finish part 1 by the end of the month.

Start & Try to Finish College Prep US Gov. & Economics Part 1.
I haven't started this one yet either, but I think it's going to be a pretty easy class to pass.

Update About Me Page.
This was one of my goals last month, but it's kind of hard to do when your internet only works for a few hours a day.

Continue With Blog Redesign.
I've been working on my blog redesign for a few months now and I'm hoping I can get closer to finishing this month.

Find a job.
I put in a lot of applications last month, but so far I haven't had any luck, it's hard getting a job when you have no experience. Employers want you to have experience, but no one is willing to give you a chance at your first job.

Open a bank account.
I want to get a new bank account opened up so that I can start saving money for a new computer and for college.

Clean out my closet.
I really want to clean out my closet, I've been buying a lot of new clothes for summer and so I want to go through my closet and get rid of what I no longer need!

That's it for today, I'll be back tomorrow and Wednesday with new posts!
What are your goals for the month? Let me know below!


  1. Ergh. I am totally with you on being thankful that April is over, but new month, new start! I'm also struggling with the job thing. I've moved on from hoping to get something related to my field to just hoping for something. The struggle is real. Hopefully we both hear about something soon!

    1. The struggle is definitely real, I hope you're able to find something soon, job hunting is not fun!
