
Monday, May 11, 2015

Pinterest Finds

Hello lovelies!
I hope you all had a great weekend! I had a really good weekend, Saturday I got to catch up on some sleep, and I spent Sunday working and with family. This week I have a few things in store for you, tomorrow I'll be posting a product review. Wednesday I still haven't decided on, I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure which one I want to do this week.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great week, here's this month's Pinterest Finds!

I think pretty much every girl who wears makeup has dropped and broken an eyeshadow or blush before, so save this link and next time you won't have to throw it out.

Number 1 and 5 are my favorites to do when I have a headache.

I'm in love with these sandals!!!!

Good advice and definitely something to think about.

5. Get Organized.
Check out my new Get Organized Pinterest board, I just started it yesterday, but if you're having trouble getting organized you might want to check it out!

That's it for today, what have you been loving on Pinterest? Let me know below!

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