
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Review: Adovia Purifying Dead Sea Mud Mask

Hello Lovelies!
Today I will be reviewing Adovia's Purifying Dead Sea Mud Mask. This mask retails for $19.99 and if used once a week can last up to a year!
I've used this product about a few times now and I've applied it and removed it differently each time, so I think I have a good idea of what I think about the product.

This product is very thick, so it does take some work to get the product on and off. I like to leave it on for 20 minutes, it takes about 5 minutes to get on, and another 5-10 minutes to take off and moisturize. I tried removing this with just water, a washcloth, and my Olay face brush.
Personally I prefer using my face brush, I started off by rubbing water on my face to get the excess product off and then I used my face brush to get off the more stubborn areas.

The mask claims to minimize pores, clean pores, and it's anti-againg. The mask also treats eczema, blackheads, acne, acne scars, pimples, and psoriasis. I really like that you can pronounce the ingredients, such as Vitamin C, aloe vera, jojoba oil, and ginseng.

I'm wearing the mask as I type this review and my skin feels like it's tingling in some places and in others it feels like it's burning. I know from the past few times I've used this, that when I remove the mask my skin is going to be red.

My skin is usually combination/oily and lately I've been dealing with lots of oil and blackheads. I haven't noticed a difference with oil control with this mask, but I can definitely say it is amazing at removing blackheads. My nose and chin were full of blackheads and now there's barely any left.

Unfortunately, from the beginning I had problems with this product. The first time I used the mask I heard a pop from the bottle when I squeezed it, it took me a few minutes to realize it, but the top of the tube had burst and the mask was spilling out onto my hand.

After that, I looked up reviews of the mask and I think it's just me cause no one else mentioned this in the reviews. I really don't think it was Adovia's fault though, when I received my box it was pretty beat up, so I'm thinking that USPS might be to be blame for this one.

Honestly, I'm not sure yet if I'll be purchasing this after I finish up this tube. I want to keep using it and maybe in a few weeks I'll notice a difference and if I do I'll definitely update y'all about it.

What do you think about mud masks? Let me know below!
FTC: Sponsored by BranBacker and Adovia

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