
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Top Ten Books On My TBR For Summer 2015

Hello lovelies!
Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Top 10 Books On My TBR For Summer 2015.
I actually have an ARC of this book and I plan on reading after I finish the book I'm reading right now! From the reviews I've read it looks like it's going to be a good one 
(P.S. It releases on June 30, so go buy it!)

I REALLY want to read this one, I don't have it yet, but I think I'm going to order it later this week!

Normally I'm not interested in classics, but I really want to read this one.

I put this on my TBR a few months ago and forgot about it until a few days ago when I saw a book review on bloglovin'. 

Johanna Lindsey // Stormy Persuasion
I just bought this book and it's sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read, I LOVE the Malory-Anderson Family series and I'm so excited to read this one!

Suzanne Collins // The Hunger Games
I've watched all the movies and now I really want to read the books. I keep saying I'm going to read them, but books are expensive and I just haven't taken the time to buy them yet.

Katee Robert // The Marriage Contract
I think I'm really going to like this one. I first saw it on Netgalley and requested it as ARC, but they had already filled their quota, but I still want to read it, and so I'm going to order it as soon as I get my new debit card in the mail!

Emma Healey // Elizabeth Is Missing
I've been wanting to read this book for about a year and now that I'm working I can afford to spend a little more on books!

Angelina Jameson // A Lady's Addiction
I used to read historical romance all the time, but here lately I've been leaning towards romantic suspense novels. Recently as I was going through my Bloglovin' feed I noticed a review on this book and it seems like something I would like so I added it to my TBR on GoodReads!

Fred Caldwell // Flying Your Business: Leadership Lessons from the Cockpit
Last week I was on Twitter and I saw someone tweet about this book and it looks like it would be an awesome read.

So that's it for my Summer 2015 TBR list! Tomorrow I have something a little different for you, so don't forget to check back for that!
What's on your TBR this summer? Let me know below!


  1. BOOKS ARE EXPENSIVE. Yes. But The Hunger Games (as well as most of the others on this list, I'm sure) are really, really worth it. I just looked up The 5th Wave today after seeing it everywhere and decided that I'll have to read it some point, too. I'm not familiar with the others on your list, but they sound great. =)

    My TTT:

    1. I think all books are worth it, thanks for stopping by!

  2. The Hunger Games is one of my favorite trilogies, despite that horrific love triangle. I support your choice of picking it up, the movies are great, but obviously they don't mention half the important things. Hope you'll be able to read the books before the last movie comes out. :) I rarely read historical romance but A Lady's Addiction sounds soo good! I might actually consider reading it. :)
    Lovely list.
    Veronika @ Reading Is Dreaming With Open Eyes

    1. I've heard that the movies leave out a lot little details that are important to the story, I'm really hoping that I can order the books soon and hopefully have them read before November! Thanks for the visit!

  3. Tess is amazing! I hope you enjoy it!

  4. I hope you enjoy The 5th Wave and The Hunger Games!

    Check out my TTT.

  5. You know, I personally didn't think the Hunger Games books were that great, but different strokes for different folks I guess!
    Eden x / edenroses

  6. Oh wow, yes, you must read HG! It's a very fast-paced series, so it shouldn't take you long. ELIZABETH IS MISSING sounds like a really good one.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I'm hoping I enjoy it, I usually like fast-paced series! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I've been meaning the read The Fifth Wave for ages. And The Hunger Games trilogy is really good, so hopefully you enjoy it. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, I added The Fifth Wave to my reading list months ago but I forgot about it until last week when I saw a review on it, I hope I can get my hands on it soon!

  8. The Hunger Games is a fun series to read. The 5th Wave as well, although it takes awhile to get really into it (so be warned patience may be needed before it gets good). Have a great summer! Happy Reading!

    Here's My TTT
