
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Influenster L'Oreal Paris Ultimate Straight VoxBox Review

Hello Lovelies!
Today I will be reviewing the L'Oreal Paris Ultimate Straight Voxbox from Influenster! I recevied this box about a month ago, I've been using it since then and I think I'm ready to do a review.

In this box I received four full size products from the L'Oreal Paris Advance Haircare Ultimate Straight System.
Photo from Amazon.
I really like the shampoo in this set, it is my favorite and I've used it the most.  The truth is I already have super straight hair so this product isn't really for me. These products smell great and my hair feels and looks clean all day, which is hard for me to find because my hair is oily.
Normally by the end of the day my hair looks so bad it's up in a ponytail, but that didn't happen on days when I used this shampoo. 

Honestly I feel like this is the worst product out of the whole system. I don't think it really did anything for me, but if you have dry, wavy/curly hair it might work for you.

99% of the time I don't use an in-shower conditioner, I prefer leave-on conditioners. Sadly this conditioner didn't  make me want to start using conditioner in the shower again. It didn't weigh my hair down and it was easier to brush out, but it didn't wow me.

I think this was my least favorite out of the whole system, I didn't see any results. 

I think that these products are for girls that live in humid climates like me would love. It's not going to make all of your hair problems go away, nothing will, but overall the products do work.

So that's all for today's post! Have you tried any of the products mentioned above?
 Let me know below!

Disclaimer: I received all products for free from Influenster in exchange for an honest review.

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