
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Links to Love

Hello Lovelies!
I hope y'all have had a great weekend, I spent this weekend working and I am so happy that I get tomorrow and Tuesday off. I was planning on posting this Yesterday, but I was too tired. I worked Friday night 5pm-2am, and then I had to be back at work Yesterday at 10:30am for another shift. By the time I got home last night I barely had the energy to take a shower and once my head hit the pillow I was out and didn't wake up till 1pm.

Thankfully I only work 4 1/2 hours today, so maybe I won't be too tired tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to get bloodwork done and an MRI on my lower back. After that I'm planning on coming home to work on some blog posts for the week and get some homework done!

That's it for today, since I didn't get to post it today I'll be posting my Weekly Inspiration tomorrow!
What links have you been loving? Let me know below!

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