
Friday, September 4, 2015

Meet My New Puppy - Buddy

Hello Lovelies!
Today I would like to introduce you to the newest member of my family, Buddy! He's a  week old Black Lab and I've had him for two weeks now.
So far our time together has been amazing, I've wanted a puppy for so long and he really is too cute! He's a sleepy boy and I love it. He falls asleep in the funniest positions, he loves sleeping on his back and he likes to bury himself in my pillows. 
Yes that's right I let him sleep in my bed, I couldn't help it. I let him sleep in my bed his first night home to make him more comfortable, but  I've started moving him into his own bed at night. I don't want him to get used to sleeping in my bed, because in just a few short months he's going to start getting huge!

Last Saturday he went to the Vet to get his shots and he got a clean bill of health! He goes back in two weeks for another set of shots.
I'm sure I'll be sharing more about him in the future, today I just wanted to show him off because I'm in love!

Lori & Buddy

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, that little pink belly!! I hope he brings years of happiness x

    Holly |
