
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Blogmas Day 8: December Update

Hello Lovelies!
I hope you're all doing well, today I have an update for you. I've been mostly absent for the past three months and I'm trying to get back into the flow of things.

I wish I could say I've been off on an amazing adventure, but that's not the truth. The truth is I was burnout on everything. I was working so hard trying to juggle work, school, and blogging five days a week that I wasn't taking care of me.

To be honest I'm still working on taking care of me, but we're getting there. A few different things have been going on that I haven't been able to share with y'all, so why not get it out in the open now?

Back in June my back started hurting really bad, so I went to the doctor, two x-rays, an MRI, a trip to Nashville, and a neurosurgeon eventually gave me the diagnosis of early Degenerative Disc Disease in August. Right now we're treating with physical therapy, and I go back to the doctor in Nashville next month, if it's not better (which it's not) then I'll probably have to get a steroid shot in my back.

 On top of all that I had blood work done in August and I was anemic, again, my doctor is retesting me next week and if it I'm still anemic she mentioned the possibility of me needing an iron infusion, which I'm really not looking forward to.

To top it all off last night I dropped my laptop (15.6") on my foot and I'm pretty sure I broke my little toe. It really hurts and I'm really not looking forward to putting on shoes!

Reading: Trail of Secrets by Eileen Goudge
I've read this book many times before and I'm reading it again, it's an old favorite of mine.

Watching: Dr.Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas
This is my all time favorite Christmas movie, I watch it year round and I can't get enough!

Listening to: Christmas Music

Dreaming Of: A Wonderful Christmas
Sadly I have to work Christmas Eve, which means I'll miss getting to see my family, open presents, and eating a warm meal. But hopefully Christmas Day will be good even though it won't be the same.

Planning: For the future.
I'm working on a few different things right now with school, work, and blogging. I'm trying to get everything done and I honestly don't have enough time to do any of it.

Trying: A new recipe!
A few days ago at work a woman came through my line and she told me about a two ingredient fudge recipe.

Goal Setting: At least 10 blog posts for December.
I want to have at least 10 blog posts for the month of December, I would love to do more, but 10 would make me happy.

I know I'm a week late, but I'm going to do my best to finish Blogmas and do as many posts as I possibly can this month!

That's all for today and I will definitely have a post up tomorrow!

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