
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Enjoyed Recently

Hello Lovelies!
Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's theme: Ten Book I Enjoyed Recently (last yearish) That Weren't My Typical Genre/Type of Book (or that was out of your comfort zone)
I could only come up with five books for this weeks topic, but I promise they are all great reads!

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
This is a first read for me, I've seen the movies, but I've never read the books. I just started the third section of the first book and I have to say I think the movies did a really good job at staying true to the original story.

Dark Visions by L.J. Smith
I am also currently reading this book, yes I'm one of those people who reads multiple books at a time!  L.J. Smith is one of my favorite authors of all time, I love her Night World Series and I'm still holding out hope that she might finish the last book one day. 

Trail of Secrets by Eileen Goudge
This is a re-read for me, I finished it for the millionth time last month and I still love it just as much as i did the first time.

Rodeo Rescuer by Lynette Eason
I LOVED reading this one, I loved the first one and this one was just as perfect! I would definitely recommend this one if you want a quick, easy read.

Falling Fast by Tina Wainscott
Honestly this book is so good, it could definitely pass for a Nicholas Sparks book!

If you participated in this week's TTT leave your link below!


  1. I forgot about The Hunger Games! The only reason I found out about it, was because I got the free ebook when I got a Nook for Christmas on year. Thanks God, I would have never read and LOVED the series if I didn't get the first book for free! :)

    My TTT.

    1. I decided to use the one month free offer for Unlimited Kindle and I downloaded it through that. I never have enough money for books so I took advantage of the opportunity! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. So glad you're enjoying The Hunger Games!
    My TTT:
