
Thursday, May 5, 2016

May Goals

Hello Lovelies!
I cannot believe I haven't posted a monthly goals in months! Actually, I can believe it. I didn't realize until yesterday that I only posted Links to Love and Weekly Inspiration posts last month. 
Anyway, here's my goals for May!

Read 3 books.
I've been slacking in the reading department, so maybe this month I can get back to it.

Write 5 blog posts this month.
Last month I posted five times, but I only posted Weekly Inspiration posts and Links to Love. I didn't have any real content. I want to do my best this month and try to branch out.

Get back to blogging.
I want to get back into all things blogging. Reading other blogs, commenting on other blogs, link-ups, posting more, etc.

Work on Blog Design.
I still haven't got my blog design fixed from my major screw up a few months ago.

Finish my FAFSA.
I know, I know, I'm late on this one, but I already had the financial aid office at my local community college tell me that I won't qualify for any free money, my only option is loans.

Send in my high school transcript.
Now this is an easy one.

Work on managing my anxiety.
Here lately my anxiety has been acting up a lot. I'm hoping that this month I can focus on learning to manage my anxiety.

Lose 2 pounds. 
I've been going to the gym for a little over a month now and I can feel myself getting stronger and I love it!

Buy a new pair of shoes.
My current tennis shoes are worn out, between working 8 hour shifts on my feet and going to the gym 4-5 times a week, I need a new pair.

Find a new car. 
Let's be honest my Suzuki sucks, it's time for a new car.



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