
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Top 10 Tuesday: Ten Books To Read In One Day

Hello Lovelies!
Top 10 Tuesdayis a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This Week's Theme: Top Ten Tuesday REWIND

I actually just finished this book, it took me WAY to long to finish, just because I could only read in 15 minute periods. I should have a review up either tomorrow or next Wednesday!

I remember really loving this series, book two was my favorite in this series, so you should check that one out too.

The Boy I Love by Nina de Gramont
I haven't mentioned this one in a while, but I really enjoyed reading this YA novel. It was the first YA book I had read in years and I ended up reading it in one night! Plus I still think it's pretty awesome that because of Top Ten Tuesday, Nina saw where I mentioned her and she sent me the book!

Snowstorm Confessions by Rachel Lee
Let's be honest, pretty much anything by Harlequin can be read in one day. But I find myself thinking and going back to this book pretty often, I really love Rachel Lee as a writer. She is just one of those people who can write an amazing romantic suspense and not make me want to burst into tears out of  frustration and throw my phone at the wall while reading it!

When I had to read this for English in high school I was dreading it, but once I started reading I actually enjoyed it. I really want to find more classics like this that don't bore me to death.

Too Friendly To Date by Nicole Helm
I think this is just such a sweet story, as I mentioned in my review of the book, I'm a huge sucker for a good friends to lovers trope. Also, I just love Nicole Helm, if you aren't following her on twitter you need to be, she's always cracking me up! (@NicoleTHelm )

Okay, so I only made it to six, but I think that's enough to keep y'all busy for a while!

What would you recommend for reading in one day? Leave a link to your blog below and I'll check it out!


  1. The Duff by Kody Keplinger. I couldn't put it down! :D My Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. I haven't read that one yet, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I love the topic you chose this week!
