
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Guest Post: How to Cope With an Existential Crisis

Hello Lovelies!
Last week Lucy from BuzzEssay contacted me wanting to do a guest post on the blog. The last time I had a guest blogger was last year, so I was really excited to see what she had in mind. So today she is writing about how to cope with and existential crisis.

What is an existential crisis? How to deal with it? How much do we know about this phenomenon? If you ask these questions, I suggest your emotional state if far from perfect. Well, keep calm and dig into your inner world.
Any existential crisis begins from the moment when a person thinks about his existence in this world.
  • Do I have the right to live in this world? Do I have enough resources to cope with the challenges that life throws me?
  • What is this world? Where can I find support in it?
  • Who am I? Am I satisfied with the quality of my life?
  • What is the meaning of my life? What tasks are in front of me in this world?
These reflections relate to the conditions that make possible the life of an individual. To get the motivation to live, a person has to answer these basic questions of existence less or more clearly.

Fundamental Motivations of Existence

#1 Do I have the right to live in this world?

This is the motivation for physical survival and the spiritual overcoming of being ("to be able to be."). Why some people more firmly "stay in the saddle" than others? What are the reasons? These people are called strong. They are able to accept and endure life as it is. They are calmer to givens of existence.
We come into this world in different circumstances. People who quietly accept the givens of existence direct their attention and efforts on the creation of their lives in the best way they can. They fill a predetermined shape themselves and their interest. If they have a house, they create a comfort in it instead of crying that the walls are painted black. No hysteria! Just plans, strategies, and work.
Others are waiting until the world adjusts to their needs and desires. They have a dream of the life they want to live. And when the life circumstances do not fit into this pattern, they fall into rage and despair.  Come up with the details of how you’ll spend the day, and then every detail and discrepancy to the predetermined scenario will spoil your mood and knock you out of the balance.
The first fundamental motivation’s main task is to learn to accept and endure. "To accept" means taking the givens of existence as they are while keeping up the emotional balance. The consequence of this "accepting" is a feeling of trust, experienced as the readiness to detect a plurality of supports (including the spiritual one) that go beyond the individual's life and beyond the rational.

#2 I can be in this world, but whether my life is good? Why do I have to live if nothing pleases me?

This is the motivation for obtaining the mental joy of life and the experiencing its values. The #2 is closely connected to a depression.
We’re talking about:
  • Being emotionally open and involved into life.
  • Be sensitive despite fear of feeling pain and suffering.
  • Be courage and social (open your soul to people, share emotions, etc.)
All the fullness of sensual experiences is revealed to man when he is able not to hide, but to meet everything that life brings to him. Suffering is a natural part of life, as well as joy.
If a person hides from negative feelings, he’s also hidden from any positive. As a result, he’s not able to fully enjoy life. You can’t turn off only negative emotions. Enjoy life like it is.

#3 Do I have the right to be who I am?

The evaluation of one's behavior, desires, and intentions is fixed in the judgment that justifies or blames the personality. The verdict to oneself is the result of a scrutinizing and watching oneself. We always evaluate ourselves (at least, a little bit) when interacting with other people.
The self-assessment that takes place through the coordination of the situation along with the actions of the person it is called conscience. Unfortunately, the self-assessment is always affected by the opinion of respected people. It may confuse the person and put a few questions like:
  • Am I right? Am I doing right?
Well, everything that agrees with the person (consistent with one’s conscience) is right.
By answering the question "Do I have the right to be who I am?" a person becomes more secure in the face of people who hurt him with their opinions.  For now, the individual is able to stand up for oneself, no being afraid of being oneself in front of others. These are the consequences of self-worth development of an individual.
When a person is justified in his own eyes, he can safely present his thoughts and labors to the judgment of people. A consequence of the high self-worth of an individual is the readiness to for an equitable dialogue with an outside world.

#4  What is the request  of the current life situation? What kind of life problems are the most relevant to me? In what context do I live? What should I do?

This thinking process confronts to existential vacuum, a sense of deep frustration, and experiencing the meaninglessness of life.  A person who lives his life consciously tends to see it as included in the most general relationships: historical, cultural, biographical and religious.
The main task for an individual in #4 is to become able to realize his identity among the challenges of our troubled world. "Become alive" – these two words best characterize the goal of a person who asks the questions stated in #4. One has to get a sense of inner harmony and a certain position in relation to oneself and the world around.
Having successfully experienced and existential crisis, a person becomes open to oneself, which gives a good foothold for self-confidence, recognition of the value of oneself, an adequate assessment of oneself, easier and less traumatic experiencing the criticism from others, etc. This leads to the fact that the person becomes stronger against the face the outside world and its assessments. No existential therapy needed.
Lucy Adams is one of the professionals from BuzzEssay – a place where you can get the best essay writing assistance, following this link  Lucy is constantly open to fresh and intriguing ideas. Don’t miss the chance to get an in-depth paper for free! Supply Lucy with your best suggestions and get a fast response.

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