
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall TBR List

Hello Lovelies,
Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This Week's Theme: Ten Characters I'd name a child/dog/cat/car/etc. after.

I decided to go off topic this week, I really wanted to do this week's TTT, but I just wasn't feeling the topic. I missed this year's Books On My Fall TBR List, so I figured why not give it a go this week!

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
I'm almost done with book #2 and I can't wait to start #3.

Welcome Home, Cowboy by Annie Rains
I received this as an arc through Netgalley forever ago and I really want to get it read so I can review it.

Tough Luck Hero by Maisey Yates
This is another arc that I need to get off my shelf.

Her Holiday Protector by Lenora Worth
One more arc and I'm done, I've been doing really good here lately. I haven't been requesting any new books and I'm working on reading what I have.

Fragile by Nikki Grahame
I found this on Good Reads and I'm really interested in reading it.

Merry Cowboy Christmas by Carolyn Brown
Not gonna lie I'm ready for Halloween to be over so that I can start getting excited for Christmas!

Buried by Elizabeth Goddard
I love a good romantic suspense, this one looks like it could be really good. I've never read anything by this author, so I'll let y'all know if I like her writing.

Surviving The Storm by Heather Woodhaven
Another new author for me, I'm really trying to branch out.

I only managed to come up with 8 books that I really want to read this fall, but I think I have a pretty good list and I'm excited to get going.

What topic did you choose this week?
Leave your links below and I'll check them out!