
Monday, November 14, 2016

Currently: November 2016

Hello Lovelies!
It's been a while, probably a year actually, since I last did a Currently post. I'm not sure why I stopped doing them, I've always had fun with it, it's a quick easy post, and I get to share with you what's going on.

So here's what's going on in my life this month!

Reading: Alison Roberts - Their First Family Christmas

Watching: Longmire (Netflix Original)

Listening To: Demi Lovato - When We Were Young (Cover)

Dreaming Of: Christmas

Planning: For Blogmas!

Stocking Up On: Suprisingly nothing.

Trying: To get back into a fitness routine.

Goal Setting: Making sure I have a game plan for Blogmas. I want to do better than last year!

What is current;y going on in your life?

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