
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Goals Update

Hello Lovelies!
Looking back at the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year, I think I did really good! I accomplished more than I thought I would. 2016 in some ways was better than 2015, and in some ways worse. But overall, I think it was a pretty good year!

I still can't believe the year is over and we're getting ready to start a new one!
This is how my goals went in 2016!

Blog Related
- Reach 100 blog followers. (I'm at 62 followers, I think at the beginning of the year I had 45)
-Comment on other blogs more.
-Post more. Get back to a normal blogging schedule. (Working on it)
-Clean up everything, blog content, blog design, social media profiles, EVERYTHING!
-Increase Social Media Reach
-Read More ARCs, request less.

School Related
-Study more.
-Start college. (Sadly didn't happen, no money = no college)
-Work extra hard in Math.
-Stop being so antisocial and make friends!

Health Related
-Lose 60 pounds or more. (Down 7 pounds, shit happened!)
-Be in a size 10 by the end of the year (Still at an 18)
-Cut back on desserts
-Worry less and live in the moment.

 Here's a few more things I wanted to do this year!

Things I Want to Do:
-Open a savings account. (Bahahaha, nope!)
-Buy a new laptop
-Read 30 books. (Made it to 14!)
-Meet with an Army Recruiter. (Never gonna happen, I have too many health issues)
-Buy my blog URL. (maybe next year?)
-Buy a pair of high heels. (My foot is in a boot brace, I don't think I need to add heels!)
-Closet clean out party!
-Budget better!
-Backup my photos more often!
-Redecorate my room.
-Diversify my blog.
-Buy a really nice bag.
-Be more present and social online.
-Kick  my snooze button addiction.
-Live more than I work.
-Be Happy (I'm working on it!)

I think this is the first year I've actually made a pretty good dent in my goals. I'm excited to see how next year goes!

How did you do with your goals? Are you ready for a new year?

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