
Monday, January 2, 2017

2017 Goals + Word of the Year

Hello Lovelies!
Let's be honest 2016 was a terrible year, so many shocks and surprises, so many deaths, especially in the last week. I'm glad it's a new year and hopefully things start looking up and getting better! Today I'm going to share with you my word of the year, goals, and some things I want to do this year!

I did really good with my 2016 goals , and I'm hoping that I can accomplish just as much in 2017! Let's get started!
Word of the Year: Recovery
My main goal for the year is recovery. 2016 was a hard year for me health wise, and I really want to spend this year recovering and taking care of my health. Towards the end of 2016 I had so many injuries and complications from procedures and I'm just now starting to heal.

I finished physical therapy for my lower back in November, I just came out of  a boot for my foot last week, and then Friday I had another injection for my back. Thankfully so far I haven't had any complications from this one. The injection I had in July is what started a downhill spiral for me, it's the reason I had to go to physical therapy and during that time I also fell down a flight of stairs. I've also been dealing with neck pain and dizziness from my fall!

I think that pretty much sums up how crappy the last few months have been and why I'm looking forward to a new year! So here's to recovery and here is the rest of my goals!

Blog Related
Read and comment on other blogs more often!
Be more social on Twitter and Instagram!
Collaborate with a brand or blogger.
Play catch-up with reading and reviewing all my arc's from Netgalley.

Health Related
Lose 30 Pounds!
Get down to a size 14. (Currently 18)
Get more sleep!
Get a massage! ( I got a gift certificate from a co-worker for Christmas!)

School Related
Start college.
Read at least two books a month!

Life Related
Save money.
Explore more!
Smile more, less resting bitch face!
Plan a trip.

Just like last year I'm gonna add a few things I want to do this year!

Things I Want To Do:
Open a savings account.
Get my nose pierced.
Try to keep a bullet journal.
Do a month long Instagram Challenge.
Find a new desk. (Mine is way too big for my room!)
Find a way to organize my makeup.
Prioritize breakfast.
Get a $10-$20 gift card every payday and save for Christmas!
Walk the dog more often!
Increase either my 401K or Stock through work!
Compliment other people more often.

What are your goals for 2017? Have you decided on your word of the year? Let me know below and if you have a blog leave me link to read!

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