
Friday, February 17, 2017

Links to Love

Hello Lovelies!
Well it's been one of those weeks where everything has decided to hit the fan! Work has been nuts, obviously working with jewelry everyone waited till the day before and of Valentine's day to actually do their shopping.

On top of the work hustle, my mom has been sick and had to have surgery yesterday. I've been worried sick about her, I'm just glad we were able to get it taken care of before it got worse.

I miss blogging, I really do, but it seems like every time I start to get back into it something happens and then I have to take time off again. It's driving me crazy, I'm not giving up, but I do think it's going to take time for me to figure out where I want to go with things right now.

So, I think that's all for today, thank you so much for sticking around even when I'm off in another world. Here's this week's Links to Love!


Go For It: 5 Ways to Save Money Without Even Thinking About It

That's all for this week, hopefully I'll talk to y'all on Sunday!
What links have you been loving this week?
Let me know below!

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