
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Update/New Look

       So I've been playing around with the look of the blog, I've made a few changes. Not much, but enough to make a difference, if you've seen my blog before.
       I just wanted to let you know that I might be making a few more changes over the next few days. So don't be surprised if the colors go from black and blue, to white, or pink, or maybe something else. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I just feel like the current design is boring, and maybe even a little depressing.
      Well that's all for today, I'll be posting again tomorrow. It'll be a part of a series, I'm really excited.
                                                                                       Stay Creative,
                                                                                                     Lori Ann

Also contact me:  
                             Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

Monday, September 24, 2012

Top 10 Fave Disney Movies

    So I  got the idea for today's post from a question I seen on Yahoo Answers. The person was wanting to know what other's favorite Disney Channel movies were, and they provided a list of their own. I'm going to do something similar, except I'll provide an explanation. So here they are in no particular order.......

  • Halloween Town Series- I think anyone who has watched these movies can say that at least one, is one of their all time favorites. I just happen to love them all, my fav, Return to Halloween Town starring Sarah Paxton. I know some don't like it cause it doesn't have the original lead girl in it, but I like it.
             If you wanna watch Halloween Town 2 Kallabars Revenge here's the link to YouTube where you        can watch the whole movie free,( Here. )
  • Even Stevens Movie- I actually haven't seen this in years, I use to love watching the show, and of course loved the movie too. I can't believe it came out in 2003, I had no idea till I just looked on wikepedia. 
  • Zenon Series- Zenon Girl of the 21st Century (Here) , Zenon The Zequel  (Here) , and of course Zenon Z3 (Here). These movies were amazing, I remember watching the premiere's of the last two, I was only 2 when the first came out, so yeah don't remember that one, but I definitely remember waiting and being so excited for the other two movies to premiere.
  • Quints- Ah yes Quints, amazingly hilarious, and yet such an amazing message. I haven't seen this in a few years, but as with some mentioned above I have found the full movie on YouTube. (Here).
  • The Cheetah Girls series-  The Cheetah Girl's were a big part of every young girl's life that I knew when they premiered. As with most movies on this list I haven't seen any of them in a while, but I also found the first one on YouTube, (Here).
  • The Camp Rock Series- Oh Camp Rock, Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brother's, every girl's dream. NOT. I never really liked the Jonas Brother's, I actually waited a few months before I ever watched the movie. And I only watched it then to see Demi, that's the only reason I ever watch, but I will admit over time I grew from hating the Jonas Brother's to actually tolerating them. 
  • Mom's Got A Date With A Vampire- Since Halloween's coming up I decided to include this one. Here's the (Link). I really like this movie, I'm not gonna say it's my all time favorite or anything,but I really do like it.
  • The Thirteenth Year-  Mermaid or Merman, maybe Merboy. (Here) . A boy who start's growing scals, and fins when he touches water.
  • Sleeping Beauty- Pretty self-explanatory. (Here) .
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs- Another Self-Explanatory movie. (Here).
   So there you go, I know towards the end I kinda slacked off, but my sugar rush has worn off. And it doesn't help any that I haven't watched most of them in quite some time. Well that's all for today, a new post will be up in a few days. If some of the links son't work let me know and I'll be sure to fix them ASAP.

                                                                        Stay Creative,
                                                                                         Lori Ann
Contact me: 

Friday, September 21, 2012

A Teen Girls Bucket List

     Hello there I got the idea for today's post after playing around on pinterest for a while, I seen a photo of a list of things someone wanted to do before they died. And it inspired me to make my own, I never really thought about making a list like this, but I decided today was the day......

  1. Go sky diving.
  2. Visit London, England.
  3. Go to a Demi Lovato concert.
  4. Go bungee jumping
  5. Write an article for a beauty magazine.
  6. Get married.
  7. Have at least 3 kids (preferably 5 or 6).
  8. Own all the Johanna Lindsey books.
  9. Go on a spontaneous road trip without a map with my friends.
  10. Visit all 50 U.S. states.
  11. Visit Italy, France, and the Dominican Republic.
  12. Go to a drive in movie.
  13. Attend New Years in Times Square (Kiss that special someone at midnight)
  14. Learn how to swim.
  15. Learn how to play the guitar, piano, and keyboard.
  16. Try dog sledding.
  17. Rent an Igloo in Finland under the northern lights.
  18. Feel confident in a bikini
  19. Go on a world cruise.
  20. Move to a different country.
  21. Pay a strangers tab at a restaurant.
  22. Go to California, visit Santa Barbara and the Santa Monica Pier.
  23. Swim with a dolphin.
  24. Ride a horse on the beach.
  25. Camp on the beach.
  26. Start running and be able to run a 5k even if just once.
  27. Graduate College with a degree in Journalism.
  28. Inspire someone to be who they want to be.
  29. Help in a movement to let young girls know it's okay to have curves and be different.
  30. Adopt a dog.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pale Skin

      Pale skin at times can be a pain in the arse, but it can also be quite beautiful. I have always had pale skin, I can't tan, I burn then peel. That's it. I actually use to be quite insecure about it, I wanted to be tan like all the other girls I went to school with, but I just couldn't.

     I think the real reason why women have problem accepting their pale skin is due to the media constantly showing us perfectly bronzed women everyday.  The problem is we never see  pale women modeling clothes that we want to buy so we know it looks good on their tan skin, but what about our pale skin..... it's kinda like the whole overweight vs. underweight ordeal, what looks good on them might not look good on us.

     I think as women we are naturally worriers, we constantly worry about everything, even if you have ten other people who are organizing something for you, you're still going to worry about it. So naturally we are going to worry about how we look, and since our skin is the largest organ we have, we know we have to take care of it. The funny thing is we use all kinds of treatments to try to save our skin to take care of it, but we still abuse it everyday, just because were not happy with it's color, or if we have a blemish or not.

      There are movements for all sorts of things, bullying, obesity, abuse, everything. But not for those of us who have pale skin and feel the need to change it just because. If everyone else is allowed to be happy in their skin, why shouldn't we, it's our natural skin. It's not like we're trying to lose a hundred pounds or prove that curves are sexy. It's our skin it's natural, Why change it? 

      Pale skin does have many challenges, like being washed out, pink cheeks, more defined dark circles, but that also means there are many ways to help enhance our natural beauty. Because pale skin is sexy. Below are some tips to help enhance pale skin, so you can show your true beauty to the world .......  (and also some tips on protecting you skin and make-up application)......
  1. Blend foundation into neck so you don't get a line around the face. This will avoid a mask look.
  2. If the consistency of your foundation or concealer is too thick and you would like a more natural base, mix a little moisturizer with the foundation.
  3. Always use SPF, 365 days a year, even on rainy cloudy days harmful UVA Rays can damage your skin.
  4. Skin tones change as you get older. So your skin tone now may be darker or paler than it was 10 years ago. It's always a good idea to get matched for a new shade of foundation at least once a year, preferably twice so you have a summer shade and a winter shade.
  5. In the winter you may need a heavier moisturizer due to harsher weather conditions that may dehydrate your skin.
  6. Don't feel the need to compare yourself to others just because you have pale skin, while they look like an oompa-loompa. In 10 years you'll still look youthful while they'll have wrinkles and sun damaged skin.
  7. When applying make-up know your face structure and where you need color and highlighting at, because even though we promote pale skin, you don't want to look like a ghost. 
  8. For special occasions when you do use bronzer, remember less is more.
  9. Pale skin, red lips, and a soft cat eye never go out of style.
  10. Feel confident in yourself, and your make-up. Self-confidence in yourself will show in the way you carry yourself.
    I don't want anyone to feel like I have something about those with dark skin, because I don't I just feel that us paler ladies should be allowed to be our self's too.

     I hope you enjoyed this post and if you have anything to add to this or you have some tips leave a comment below. I am by no means an expert on pale skin these are just some of the tips and tricks I've picked up over the years. Do you have pale skin? Do you think we are looked down upon for having pale skin? Leave a response and discuss below.
                                                                       Stay Creative,
                                                                                        Lori Ann

Contact me: 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Facebook Apps I Love

   Okay so I decided I would dedicate this post to you guys by giving you an incite into my online life. Today I'm going to tell you about my favorite applications to use on Facebook. So let's get started.

  1. Farmville- I've been using Farmville for years, my desire for playing this game has been a bit of a ride. A ride as in i'll play constantly for a few months at a time and then I'll stop all of a sudden and have absolutely no interest in playing the game. At the moment I've just got off one of my Farmville kicks and haven't played for about a month actually, I hadn't even realized it'd  been that long since I'd played.
  2. Status Shuffle- Okay I don't know anyone who hasn't used this app. It's amazing, I love being able to go on there and I can choose either to just favorite it or I can actually publish it as my status. I'm obsessed, I probably use status shuffle to update my status about once a month.
                 My latest statuses used from the app.........

  • The hardest thing is to fake smiles and say that you're okay when all you want to do is break down..#GettingALilBitStronger
  • Sucks when you have a daytime life and a night-time mind
  • Best things about being a writer: voices in your head is normal and day dreaming is mandatory.
  • Sometimes we keep our heads down too much that we forget what it is like to look up.
  • Hey all you people who make fun of depressed people, cutters, and suicidal people, you're the reason they do what they do and feel the way they feel. Think before you speak, you never know how much someone is hurting, and you're words may push them over the edge. (I added the second sentence to this).
  So I'm sure you can tell that from those above that this app has a wide variety of statuses. I thoroughly enjoy using this app and love the feeling I get when I post something and know that the person it's about reads it. Hehehe, I'm just a little bit naughty when it comes to revenge, I just choose to do it in a way that;s unexpected. Hello smart ass Lori. (LOL sorry, that's what my mom calls me sometimes).

3.CSI: Crime City- This is the app/game that i'm currently obsessed with, I don't know what it is I just enjoy solving mysteries.

       To be honest I thought I had more than that, but I guess I don't. I knew I had cleaned out my app's but I didn't realize that there were literally only three apps worth mentioning left, everything else I have is just things I occasionally use to kill time.
      So that's the Facebook applications I love. What are your's? Do we have any in common? Leave a comment below and let me know.
                                                        Stay Creative,
                                                                   Lori Ann

Also contact me:  
                             Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

Monday, September 3, 2012

Book Review: Sarah MacLEAN- Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake

    "Lady Calpurina Hartwell has always followed the rules, rules that have left her unmarried- and more than a little unsatisfied. And so she's vowed to break the rules and live the life of pleasure she's been missing.
     But to dance every dance, to steal a midnight kiss- to do those things Callie will need a willing partner. Someone who knows everything about rule-breaking. 
      Someone like Gabriel St. John, the Marquess of Ralston- charming and devastatingly handsome, his wicked reputation matched only by his sinful smile.
      If she's not careful, she'll break the most important rule of all- the one that says that pleasure-seekers should fall hopelessly, desperately in love....."

So What Did I Think?

    Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLEAN is a historical romance novel published in April 2010. The excerpt above is from the back cover of the book. I bought this book at  the Dollar General Store for $7.99.
         I actually genuinely enjoyed reading this book, it was well written and the plot was original. I couldn't wait to finish reading it, I think I finished it in probably about 6 hours. It didn't end the way I thought it would, but it was still very well written. I'm not really gonna go into detail because I don't want to ruin it for you if you decide to read it. Below i'm gonna post the nine rules to break as shown in the book.
             Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake
1.) Kiss someone- passionately
2.) Smoke a cheroot and drink scotch
3.) Ride astride
5.) Attend a duel
6.) Gamble (at a gentleman's club) 
8.) Dance every dance at a ball
9.) Be considered beautiful. Just once.

      I would also like to add that as much as I enjoyed this book I don't think its something I will remember every last detail about. You see when I read a book I usually remember every detail about it, I still remember things about books I read 3 years ago. But unfortunately that wasn't the case with this book for me, but I still recommend you read this if you want to.
     The setting of this book takes place in London, England in April 1823, among the aristocratic society of London. The plot revolves around Callie (Lady Calpurina) a spinster whose decided she wants to have a little fun and makes a list of things lady's weren't suppose to do that she wanted to do. To help her along with her adventures she enlists a handsome marquess famous for his reputation for being a rake, and gets cracking at the list by asking him to kiss her after sneaking out in the middle of the night just so she could mark number one off her list. Jealousy, love, passion, temptation are all a part of this book, as Lady Callie has to decide between following the rules and continue on with her sheltered life or live on the wild side and maybe find love.
      What will she do? Well you'll just have to read to see for yourself.
                                                                  Stay Creative, 
                                                                               Lori Ann                     
       Also contact me:  
                             Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd