
Monday, September 24, 2012

Top 10 Fave Disney Movies

    So I  got the idea for today's post from a question I seen on Yahoo Answers. The person was wanting to know what other's favorite Disney Channel movies were, and they provided a list of their own. I'm going to do something similar, except I'll provide an explanation. So here they are in no particular order.......

  • Halloween Town Series- I think anyone who has watched these movies can say that at least one, is one of their all time favorites. I just happen to love them all, my fav, Return to Halloween Town starring Sarah Paxton. I know some don't like it cause it doesn't have the original lead girl in it, but I like it.
             If you wanna watch Halloween Town 2 Kallabars Revenge here's the link to YouTube where you        can watch the whole movie free,( Here. )
  • Even Stevens Movie- I actually haven't seen this in years, I use to love watching the show, and of course loved the movie too. I can't believe it came out in 2003, I had no idea till I just looked on wikepedia. 
  • Zenon Series- Zenon Girl of the 21st Century (Here) , Zenon The Zequel  (Here) , and of course Zenon Z3 (Here). These movies were amazing, I remember watching the premiere's of the last two, I was only 2 when the first came out, so yeah don't remember that one, but I definitely remember waiting and being so excited for the other two movies to premiere.
  • Quints- Ah yes Quints, amazingly hilarious, and yet such an amazing message. I haven't seen this in a few years, but as with some mentioned above I have found the full movie on YouTube. (Here).
  • The Cheetah Girls series-  The Cheetah Girl's were a big part of every young girl's life that I knew when they premiered. As with most movies on this list I haven't seen any of them in a while, but I also found the first one on YouTube, (Here).
  • The Camp Rock Series- Oh Camp Rock, Demi Lovato and the Jonas Brother's, every girl's dream. NOT. I never really liked the Jonas Brother's, I actually waited a few months before I ever watched the movie. And I only watched it then to see Demi, that's the only reason I ever watch, but I will admit over time I grew from hating the Jonas Brother's to actually tolerating them. 
  • Mom's Got A Date With A Vampire- Since Halloween's coming up I decided to include this one. Here's the (Link). I really like this movie, I'm not gonna say it's my all time favorite or anything,but I really do like it.
  • The Thirteenth Year-  Mermaid or Merman, maybe Merboy. (Here) . A boy who start's growing scals, and fins when he touches water.
  • Sleeping Beauty- Pretty self-explanatory. (Here) .
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs- Another Self-Explanatory movie. (Here).
   So there you go, I know towards the end I kinda slacked off, but my sugar rush has worn off. And it doesn't help any that I haven't watched most of them in quite some time. Well that's all for today, a new post will be up in a few days. If some of the links son't work let me know and I'll be sure to fix them ASAP.

                                                                        Stay Creative,
                                                                                         Lori Ann
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