
Friday, September 21, 2012

A Teen Girls Bucket List

     Hello there I got the idea for today's post after playing around on pinterest for a while, I seen a photo of a list of things someone wanted to do before they died. And it inspired me to make my own, I never really thought about making a list like this, but I decided today was the day......

  1. Go sky diving.
  2. Visit London, England.
  3. Go to a Demi Lovato concert.
  4. Go bungee jumping
  5. Write an article for a beauty magazine.
  6. Get married.
  7. Have at least 3 kids (preferably 5 or 6).
  8. Own all the Johanna Lindsey books.
  9. Go on a spontaneous road trip without a map with my friends.
  10. Visit all 50 U.S. states.
  11. Visit Italy, France, and the Dominican Republic.
  12. Go to a drive in movie.
  13. Attend New Years in Times Square (Kiss that special someone at midnight)
  14. Learn how to swim.
  15. Learn how to play the guitar, piano, and keyboard.
  16. Try dog sledding.
  17. Rent an Igloo in Finland under the northern lights.
  18. Feel confident in a bikini
  19. Go on a world cruise.
  20. Move to a different country.
  21. Pay a strangers tab at a restaurant.
  22. Go to California, visit Santa Barbara and the Santa Monica Pier.
  23. Swim with a dolphin.
  24. Ride a horse on the beach.
  25. Camp on the beach.
  26. Start running and be able to run a 5k even if just once.
  27. Graduate College with a degree in Journalism.
  28. Inspire someone to be who they want to be.
  29. Help in a movement to let young girls know it's okay to have curves and be different.
  30. Adopt a dog.
  31. Volunteer at a dog shelter.
  32. Take a scenic train ride in the UK and Europe.
  33. Learn fluent French and Spanish.
  34. Go ice skating in central park.
  35. Read a book, have a picnic, and ride in a horse carriage in central park.
  36. Visit Niagara Falls, see Stonehenge, visit Disney Land, visit Universal studio, and Warner Brothers studio
  37. Set foot on all 7 Continents.
  38. Leave my hometown.
  39. Set up a college fund and put at least $200 a year in it for my baby cousin, so she knows she has a future. (After I graduate).
  40. Write or at least attempt to write a book.
  41. Buy at least one nice expensive leather jacket, and a nice handbag and shoes.
  42. Own at least one pair Tory Burch shoes.
  43. Have my own home library, full of the books I love.
  44. The lover's bridge in Paris
  45. Get a tattoo that means something to me that I wont regret later in life, and maybe one I will.
  46. Get my nose pierced.
  47.  Dye my hair partially pink or blue.
  48. Get my hair done at Nine Zero One Salon in Hollywood at least once.
  49. Go back to my natural blonde hair.
  50. Live my life to the fullest since I never know when my last day will be.

      Well that's my list, I hope you enjoyed it. I decided to put Part 1 in the line since I decided to someday add a Part 2, that way then you'll be able to see how I've changed. As for now that's all, I doubt I'll get to start working on my list till I turn 18 or at least till I move out. Except for the hair, tattoo, and nose piercing, I know my mom will let me do those things. So that's all for now, I'll blog again soon, and be sure to look back in the weeks, months, or years to come to see Part 2.
                                                                          Stay Creative,
                                                                                          Lori Ann

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