
Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall/Winter Favorites

    So Fall is approaching very fast, the weather is starting to cool down, and the leaves are changing and falling. I know some people love Summer, and absolutely dread Fall and Winter, but I'm the complete opposite.
     Actually, pretty much everyone where I live loves the Summer. I get much more social come Fall, mostly due to the fact that I can't stay outside during the Summer for more than an hour.
   Today I decided I wanted to do a post about my favorite things about Fall, and why I love Fall so much......
  1. Hot Chocolate-  I love hot chocolate, which is why I'm always excited when the weather starts to change. Since, during the Summer I can't drink it I always start watching the trees at the end of summer, so I know how much longer till colder weather sets in.
  2. Boots- Oh boots, there's a million things I could say about how much I absolutely adore boots. I dream all year about finally getting to wear my boots. I swear last Winter that's all I lived in, the only time I wore anything else was when I went to the gym. Unfortunately, Summer weather started here in March, so I didn't get to wear them as much as I would have preferred.
  3. Decorations- Decorations are clearly a big part of Fall and Winter. I just think it's amazing the effort that some people exert to please themselves, just knowing that they've given a little piece of happiness to someone who has seen what they've done. The only time during Summer that there are any decorations is the Fourth of July, but the Fall and Winter, people really step up their game. I really appreciate that some people still care, whether they only do it for the children, themselves, or their community, someone appreciates it, I know I do.
  4. Family Bonding- I don't know about you, but I have a rather big family. Usually Christmas is the only time I get to see them. So when that first leaf fall's from the trees I get excited knowing that it won't be long till I get to see everyone. Also Halloween and Thanksgiving, even though my family is usually apart we still spend time together. But my favorite time for family bonding isn't an actual holiday, it's when my uncle who's in the army get's his vacation, and they come visit. I always make sure to take lots of pics, I'm anxious waiting for them to tell us when they'll be coming
  5. Weather-  Ah the weather, the biggest pleasure of them all. With Fall comes lower temperatures, which I really appreciate. Our Summer here in Kentucky mainly consisted of a maximum of four rain showers, that's it. It has been awful, I don't think until this month it had gotten below 90. I know this may sound weird but I love the sound of rain, I love thunderstorms. Also, snow, I'm really excited to see snow again, it only snowed here once last year and it didn't last very long at all. So to say I'm excited is an understatement.
  6. Sweaters- In years past I hadn't really been that big a fan of sweaters, but last year we moved into a house without heat. Since then we've moved and have heat once again, but while there I grew to love the feel of sweaters. I guess it being due to my love of layers. So I'm really excited about the chill being back in the air. I'm actually wearing a sweater right now as I write this, now I want some hot chocolate and my night will be complete.
  7. Sweets- Of course, the sweets, they're going to ruin my weight loss success from this year, ugh. I always look forward to the colder months to start baking. Mainly because most of the things we bake in the winter don't taste right during the summer months. My mom and I always make, homemade peanut butter balls, Reese's bars, and chocolate covered pretzels, also pumpkin cream cheese rolls. Yummy, now you can see why I said it's going to kill my weight loss success. 
  8. No bugs- I love winter a lot because I can actually go outside and not get eaten alive by bugs. Also I'm not afraid to go in the yard cause I know the snakes are gone, and most spiders too. Yeah I hate spiders and snakes, ugh, I don't even like to think about it.
  9. Hair- In the winter it's easier to style my hair. I have naturally straight hair, and it's hard for me to do anything with it. During the summer it's just so hot that the humidity takes it's toll on my hair within minutes of going outside. So winter is my time for my hair and makeup to shine.
  10. Blankets- I love to stay cuddled up in a blanket year round, but it's hard to do in the winter unless I'm downstairs in front of the air vent. In the winter I can stay in my room cuddled up in bed, with a book, and hot chocolate.
    Okay so those are my Fall/Winter Favorites. I'll be posting a Fall/Winter Favorites series over the next few weeks, I'll post this one then I'll do a Fall/Winter Beauty Favorites and a Fall/Winter Fashion Favorites, they'll most likely be posted a week apart with a post in between them.
    Well that's all for today, I'm gonna go write the other two posts. So are there any topics, you'd like me to cover? Do you prefer Fall and Winter over Summer? Also, do you have any hot chocolate recipes you'd like to share?
                                                                              Stay Creative,
                                                                                          Lori Ann
Also contact me:  
                             Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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