
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Healthy Weight/BMI for Your Height

    So from time to time I browse Yahoo Answers, and most of the time you always see a ton, and I mean literally a ton of women asking if they're at a healthy weight. They give their weight and height, so I usually always answer for them. I decided that for today's post I would post height's and weight's for a healthy BMI. I always use the Self Ideal Weight Calculator , it gives you a range, that you should stay between in order to be considered to have a healthy weight. I'm going to give weight ranges for Women between 5'0 and 5'10....

  • 5'0................................... 95-128 Pounds
  • 5'1................................... 98-132 Pounds
  • 5'2....................................101-136 Pounds
  • 5'3....................................104-141 Pounds
  • 5'4....................................108-145 Pounds
  • 5'5....................................111-150 Pounds
  • 5'6....................................115-154 Pounds
  • 5'7....................................118-159 Pounds
  • 5'8....................................122-164 Pounds
  • 5'9....................................125-169 Pounds
  • 5'10..................................129-174 Pounds

  So I hope that helps, for anyone wondering what is best for their height. But you also have to remember that not everyone is the same, you could be overweight and look normal, or even severely underweight and still look normal. It's all about how your built, and it's also in your genes. But regardless of what you weigh, or look like your still beautiful.
                                                                                                   Stay Creative,
                                                                                                                      Lori Ann

Also contact me:  
                             Twitter:   @LoriAnnBoyd

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