
Monday, December 30, 2013

Weight Loss Monday's: Week 46 & 47

   Can you believe tomorrow is the last day of the year? And that means today is the last Weight Loss Monday's post of the year. Wow, it's really hard to believe that.
       Last week I chose not to make a WLM's post because I didn't think anyone would read it with all of the Holiday celebrations going on last week. Another reason for that is because I'm kinda getting tired of doing this every week since I don't necessarily have something to tell you every single week.
      My schedule is really full next month, I think I only like writing one post and then I'll have the entire month filled up, so because of that I don't have room to make any changes quite just yet. But there are changes coming in February, I will announce these changes the last week of January, and I'm really excited to tell all of you about it.
      But since I can't tell you anymore right now let's get started with this week's weight update.

Diet: I had three Christmas dinners last week, we went to my Nana's house last Sunday, my Aunt Jane's house on Christmas Eve, and then my mom cooked on Christmas Day. I did eat a little bit more than normal, but I made sure I didn't overeat or get too full.  Last week I was craving chocolate really bad, so I made Oreo truffles, and they were amazing, I still have a few left too.

Exercise: I did get a little bit of exercise last week, but not enough. I've been sick, and I haven't been getting but about 2 hours of sleep at night so I haven't had the energy to do any exercise.

So did I lose any weight?

Weight Lost this week:   1 Pound
Total Weight Loss:        17 Pounds

     I lost one pound, I was not expecting it at all. To be honest I actually wrote this post on Saturday, and the scale wasn't showing any difference but when I weighed myself Yesterday I had lost a pound, so I had to rewrite some of this post.
    Even if I hadn't lost any weight last week i'd still be happy, I'm leaving the year a very happy girl. I finished my English course last week and I got my grades back, on one of my research papers I got a 90%, and then on my English Midterm I got a 100%, so I'm super happy about that.

   That's all for today, tomorrow I'll be posting my Top 4 posts of the year, Wednesday will be my New Years Resolutions, and Thursday will be the Shows I'm Looking Forward to Watching this Winter. So as you can see this week is a full week, and I will be posting everyday, I think that's a great way to start off the new year, and I hope you enjoy it.
                                                          Stay Creative,
                                                                           Lori Ann


  1. Such a lovely blog dear !!! i will be back tomorrow for the " TOP 4 of the YEAR " post :) would you like to follow each other on GFC , BLoglovin , and Google plus :) let me know by comment dear :) xx

    1. I'm actually already following you, but I would love a follow back.
