
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Top 4 Posts of the Year!

    It's hard to believe another year has flown by and tomorrow is the beginning of a new year. Originally I was going to do a Top 10 post, but honestly I don't really think I have that many posts worthy of being the a Top 10 list, so I settled for a Top 4 list.
    So here are the four blog posts I'm most proud of, and I hope you think so too!

1.) My Online High School Experience
   - If you haven't read this you totally should.

2.) How I Saved My Damaged Hair
  - If you color you're hair often, then you have to read this.

3.)Book Review: Caitlyn Duffy- The Viscount's Daughter
  - This was by far the best book I've read all year, and this post was probably my favorite to write because I couldn't say enough good things about it, it really did touch me, and made me want to start reading more after spending the past year not really reading.

4.) Book Review: Mira Lyn Kelly- Waking Up Married
  - This was the beginning of my decision to change up my blog. It was after this post that I got serious about my blogging, and started to make changes and spend more time focusing on what I was publishing.

   As you can tell all of these, are from the past six months, actually all of them except one is from the past three months. The reason for that is because I feel like something hit me during September and October that made me really start trying harder with everything.
     Around the first of October I started to get really inspired, I was inspired to become a better person, and to work harder at everything I do. I had always enjoyed blogging, but I never really put a lot of effort into it.
     The past few months I've made a lot of changes, and near the end of next month I'll be announcing more changes, that is a promise to all of you. I've already decided what I'm going to do, and I'm really excited to share all of my upcoming changes with you.

    Well that's all for the YEAR, I hope you have a good New Years Eve, and please just remember to be careful, and if you're going to be drinking please do so responsibly.
                                                                     Stay Creative,
                                                                                      Lori Ann

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