
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 New Years Resolutions!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I cannot believe it's 2014 already, and even though I'm super bummed another year has flown by, I'm determined to make the most of the year.

     Today I'm going to share with you my goals for the year, and tell you a little about them.

1. Blog More.
   - For the biggest part of last year I only blogged 3 times a week, but towards the end of the year I started posting 4 times a week. I want to keep up with that, and maybe even work towards blogging 5 times a week.

2. Graduate or be Close to Graduating High School.
  - Right now I'm super motivated, and I wanna get this done, that way next year I can go to college, and really start my life.

3. Find a Part-Time Job.
   - I tried last year to find a job, but no one was hiring. So this year I'm gonna search more, and just keep applying, until I finally get a job. Plus I have a friend who's dad is opening up their 3rd Subway store, so I think if I asked he would probably hire me.

4. Crack Down on My Reading List.
   - I have a whole list of books I want to get read, some for entertainment, and others for my High School and College Reading List.

5. Finish the First Draft of My Novel
  - I've never really talked about this on here before, but in November I started writing my first novel with the help of NaNoWriMo. Since NaNo ended I've been slacking off on my writing, but this is something I really wanna stick with, and I wanna finish at least the first-draft by the end of the year.

6. Lose 60 Pounds.
  - I know that sounds like a lot, but that's what I'm going for, I need to do this, and I need to do it now. Not for anyone else, I need to do it for me, and only me. I need to learn to love myself, but I know if I don't lose all this extra weight I'm carrying around, then I'll never be able to love myself the way I want to be able to.

7. Take the SAT and ACT.
   - This was on my list last year, but I didn't feel ready to take it. So I think I'm gonna sign up for the testing date in March.

8. Visit Colleges & Universities I Want to Attend
 - This year I HAVE to visit some campuses so I can decide where to apply starting in the fall.

9. Make it Out of the State of Kentucky at Least Once
  - This kinda ties into the visiting campuses because I'l have to go out of state to see most of my top picks. This one is going to be hard because my mom HATES traveling, but hopefully I'll have my drivers permit by then and can do most of the driving for her.

10. Get My Driver's Permit
    - I want this so bad, but my mom is always working and can't take me. But I WILL go this year, hopefully next week and get this done.

   So there you have it, my 10 New Years Resolutions, I hope you'll stick around this year to watch me achieve them!
                                               Stay Creative,
                                                               Lori Ann


  1. Good luck on all of your resolutions! It sounds like you have a lot planned out and will be able to do what you need to be successful. I wish you nothing but the best!!

  2. Best of luck on all of your resolutions! It sounds like you are very motivated, I am sure you will accomplish everything you listed! Happy New Year!


  3. Hi Lori Ann, good luck with your resolutions! thanks for stopping by at my blog! I love your 5 words project. it's great for me as I've become a bit lazy in learning new vocabulary in English...

  4. Best of luck with your New Years resolutions. You can do it.
