
Friday, February 28, 2014

5 Words: Week 59

     Happy Friday lovelies, this week has been very interesting, painful, and boring. I haven't really been able to do much on the computer this week because I have an eye infection, and it hurts to look at the computer screen. I should be back to normal soon, but till then I just gotta grin and bear it. Have a nice weekend!

Here's this week's 5 Words......

Numinous- Having a strong religious or spiritual quality; indicating or suggesting the presence of a divinity. 

Nemophilist- One who is fond of forests or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.

Meliorism- The belief that the world can be made better by human effort.

Fernweh- A strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world.

Metanoia- Change in one's way of life resulting from penitence or spiritual conversion.

             Well that's all for this week, don't forget to check back on Sunday for a little bit of inspiration!
                                                                                        Lori Ann

Thursday, February 27, 2014

February Goals Update

     Earlier this month I shared with you some of the goals that I hoped to accomplish this month, and today I want to update you about them.

In case you forgot or didn't see what my goals were here they are again.

 Lose 2 Pounds
 Open a savings account.
Finish Spanish 1, Part 1 and Part 2.
Start and finish College Prep American History Part 1, and start Part 2.
 Box up my bedroom, and prepare to move.
 Get my hair cut and colored.
 Read 3 books.
 Find new words and schedule 5 Words posts for the next two months.
 Order a new laptop.
 Sign up and start preparing for the SAT in June.

Judging by the above I'd say I did pretty good, and I accomplished most of what I wanted to get done this month. There are a few things I need to improve on, and work on, but I'll explain them below.

Lose 2 Pounds.  The main reason I didn't accomplish this is because this month was pure chaos. We moved earlier this month and it's been hard to exercise and eat healthy when I can't get to my exercise bike to workout, and can't find certain kitchen appliances to cook healthy food with.

Open a savings account.  I decided to put this off to next month because my birthday is next month and I'm planning on putting all of my birthday money in the bank.

Finish Spanish 1 Part 2. I finished Part 1, and I'll be done with Part 2 next week, I have to wait for my teacher to grade my final and it can take 5-10 business days for that to happen.

Start and Finish College Prep American History Part 1, and start Part 2.   I wasn't really expecting to finish this one, because I knew I was being over ambitious, but I did start Part 1 of my course, so I'm happy with that.

Read 3 Books. Unfortunately I only got to read one book this month, I've been really busy with moving and I've been sick, so this month I wasn't able to read as much as I wanted to.

Sign up and start preparing for the SAT in June. I've started preparing for the SAT, I just haven't got signed up yet.

That's all for today, I really can't believe tomorrow is the last day of the month, it's crazy how time is flying by!

          Lori Ann

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Book Review: Caitlyn Duffy - The Tycoon's Daughter

     Today I will be reviewing 'The Tycoon's Daughter' by Caitlyn Duffy, I got this book through iTunes iBooks for $1.99.  You can also get this book through the Kindle app for $1.99
       'The Tycoon's Daughter' is the fourth installment in the Treadwell Academy Series. It is 349 pages long, and is a Young Adult novel.
        Here are the links to my reviews of the first three books in the series...

Since my e-book version didn't have a synopsis, here is one from Amazon that I trimmed down.

    "  Emma's known on the campus of the prestigious Treadwell Academy for having it all; her father's the owner of Hunter Lodge, a massive fashion corporation, and Emma's gained international fame as the cover model of its popular, sexy catalog. She's gorgeous and she knows it, has a cute boyfriend at the nearby St. Johns Preparatory Academy for boys, and  rules the school with her best friend, Paige.
      But everything changes the summer before Junior year when Emma gains ten pounds and her fathers creative team decided she's too heavy to put on the catalog cover. Mortified over being fired, she develops an obsession with losing weight that quickly escalates into an eating disorder. Emma vows to gain revenge for her dismissal from Hunter Lodge by taking over the runway modeling world by storm, and when Emma puts her mind to something... look out.
      Surprising even herself, Emma accomplishes everything she sets out to do; she finds a powerful agent, lands desirable modeling jobs, and starts building a name for herself. However, all of Emma's success comes at the price of her physical and emotional health, and she knows she's in serious trouble when she realizes that it's impossible to be perfect when everyone's definition o the word is different.   "

What do I think?    5 Stars

Like:  The entire book!!!!
Dislike: NOTHING!

   I thought I loved the first three books in this series, but  I LOVED this book. As you all know from yesterdays post raising awareness about eating disorders is very important to me, and that's why this book means so much to me.
   I've read books before that's about a teen girl with an eating disorder, but none of them really seemed realistic, and some of them even promoted Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia behaviors. What I love the most about this book is that you can really tell that the Caitlyn Duffy did her research and you can tell that it's something she really does care about. 
   'The Tycoon's Daughter' was a great addition to the Treadwell series and I can't wait to till the next book in the series is released!
     Would I recommend it? Of course I would recommend it, it was incredible. I can't say enough good words about the ENTIRE Treadwell series because they're all equally amazing! I think this is a book every teen girl should read because it's such an inspirational and educational book, it shows the reality of how severe eating disorders are and how hard it is to seek treatment.

 If I had to pick favorites I would definitely say that 'The Tycoon's Daughter' is number one on my list followed by 'The Viscount's Daughter'

So that's all for today, I hope you like my  review. Have you read this book? What did you think? Do you have any recommendations similar to the Treadwell Academy Series?   
           Lori Ann

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

    I wanted to do this post today because not only is this week National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, but February is Eating Disorder Awareness Month.

Here's this years NEDA poster....

2014 NEDAwareness Poster 
 Eating Disorder Awareness is something I'm very passionate about, and I've spent a lot of time trying to raise awareness for the cause. I've spent a lot of time researching and learning about these illnesses and today I wanted to take the time to ask you to please educate yourself about these deadly diseases.

    The reason I'm so passionate about this cause is because so many people don't understand what eating disorders are. People think eating disorders are a choice, but they're not, eating disorders are a disease, they are a mental illness and should be taken seriously because they kill thousands of people every year.

So please take a few minutes today and get in the know and visit 

By visiting the NEDA website you can learn more information about eating disorders, how to get help, and you can also find NEDA events near you that you can get involved in.

           Lori Ann

Monday, February 24, 2014

February Weight Loss

Good Morning lovelies, I can't believe it's already the last week of February, it's hard to believe that nearly two months have gone by since the start of the new year. 
This month has been kind of crazy and all over the place, and I'm just so over it.
I mentioned earlier this month that we we planning on moving, and so now we're trying to get settled in and get everything unpacked. I have severe OCD and living out of boxes and not being organized or able to find anything is driving me insane! 
So obviously the moving process has been mentally draining, but it's also screwed up my diet and exercise plan!

Ugh, I'm hating writing this months update on my diet and exercise. It's not good, none of it, I've been very naughty this month, and now I'm regretting it! Since we've been living out of boxes all month it's been really hard to eat healthy, well-balanced meals. 
       Usually we only eat fast-food once a month, but this month I can think of at least five occasions where we've opted for fast-food over home-cooked meals. 
      We should have the kitchen in working order by the end of the week, but for now things are all over the place, and I'm just going to have to deal with the craziness.

 I haven't really been able to do much exercise this month because I can't get to any of my equipment. But on the bright side I have been doing a lot of lifting and moving stuff around. 

So did I lose any weight?

Weight Lost This Week:  0 Pounds
Total Weight Loss:          18 Pounds

   Unfortunately I didn't lose any weight this month, and to be honest I wasn't really expecting to either. This month has been so crazy and I've been so stressed that I just haven't really been able to focus on my health, but that's going to change, and now that things are settling down I'm going to get back on track.

 That's all for today, tomorrow I'm going to be posting about something that means a lot to me tomorrow so don't forget to check back.
          Lori Ann

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Weekly Inspiration

 I feel like regardless of how someone treats you, you should always be nice. Like Taylor says, "Being nice is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." I always try to keep this in mind even when I'm having a bad day, and I always try to be polite, use my manners, and just be a kind person. You never know what's going on in a persons life/head, they may be contemplating suicide and you could save their life just by being nice to them, or smiling at them. 

 Goal: Smile at a stranger today, you just might save a life.

Friday, February 21, 2014

5 Words: Week 58

                I hope you all had a good week this week, I've been super busy trying to finish all my goals for this month. I hope you have a great weekend, so be safe and have fun!

                                                     Here's this week's 5 Words.....

Deleterious- Causing harm or damage.

Fiendish- Extremely cruel or unpleasant; devilish.

Ignoble- Not honorable in character or purpose.

Noisome- Having an extremely offensive smell.

Swinish- Boorish; ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance.

                           Well that's all for this week, don't forget to follow if you want to see more!
                                                                                  Lori Ann

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Book Review: Marriage by Mistake by Alyssa Kress

    Today I will be reviewing 'Marriage by Mistake' by Alyssa Kress, I got this book through iTunes iBooks for free. At this time you can also get this book through the Kindle app for free.
         'Marriage by Mistake is a Contemporary Romance Novel,  It is 349 pages long, and took me about 6 hours to read.

Since my e-book version didn't have a blurb, here is one from Amazon that I trimmed down.

      " He woke up to discover two days of his life completely gone.
           Workaholic Boston blueblood Dean has made it his life's goal to be the opposite of his irresponsible, womanizing father.
          But Dean discovers that while in a hypnotic trance he's acted exactly like his father, traveling to Las Vegas where he'd wooed and wed some sexy, airhead dancer.
          Now, Kelly may be sexy, but she's no airhead. She knows the cols and puritanical man who claims to be her husband is not the man she'd married. But she suspects the warm and tender man she does love is buried somewhere deep inside. And she's determined to find him.....    "

So What did I think?   4 STARS 

Like:  Troy and Felicia's story in the background.
Dislike:  The book cover.

   The reason I don't like the book cover is because I feel like it doesn't represent the story well. Yes Kelly is a dancer, but the story isn't about that, and you don't really know many details about that part of her life.
    I love that she included Troy and Felicia's story line, and if I'm being 100% honest, I think I would have preferred to read their story over Kelly and Dean's.
     Overall the book was a fun, easy, and entertaining read. It's not really anything I expect to leave a lasting impression, nor do I expect to remember it in a few months, but it was enjoyable.
     I would recommend this book to someone who wanted a fun and easy read, nothing serious, and nothing you really have to think about.

     So that's all for today, I hope you like my little review, don't forget to check back next week for more. Have you read this book? What did you think? Do you have any recommendations?
                                                                   Lori Ann

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Review: Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Polish

   Today I will be reviewing the Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear Nail Polish in 210 Flirt. I've had this nail polish for awhile now, and I just hadn't used it, but I seen it sitting on my shelf recently and decided to try it.

First I just wanna say that these pictures suck, this was probably the hardest nail polish to photograph ever. I tried really hard to find a good picture, but I just couldn't, so the top one I used a flash for, and the second phtoto I didn't.

What Do I Think?

   I'm going to be totally honest, this nail polish was a pain in the ass to work with. The photos were one thing, but the color is another thing.
     With one coat, this nail polish is more of a dark red with purple undertones, but when you apply a second coat, it's so dark that most of the time it looks black.
      Honestly, I just ended up being totally bored, and I wanted to take it off.
  One of the positives about this nail polish is that it did last an entire week with hardly any chipping, so if that's what you're looking for then go for it.
     Overall I guess I would recommend it, it is a good nail polish, it's just the color ended up not being what I expected, but I'm sure a few months from now I'll go through a phase where I'm into darker colors again.

     So that's all for today, I'll have my usual post up a post up tomorrow, and again on Friday. Will you be buying this? Have you tried it already? Let me know what you think in the comment section.
                                                            Stay Creative,
                                                                              Lori Ann

Monday, February 17, 2014

Pinterest Finds

 Happy Monday lovelies, and welcome to the first Pinterest Finds blog post! Every month is going to be different, some months I may only post one thing I found on Pinterest, and then months like February I might post 5, either way I hope you like it.

                                                    1. This quote from John Green


                                2. These boots from Torrid that I'm thinking about ordering.

                                                                  3.  This photo.


                                                       4.  This picture. The TRUTH!


                                           5. This picture of Demi Lovato's hair in 2010.


   I kinda wanna add a little note for #5, about why I decided to add it. I added this picture because this is the picture I took took to the salon last week when I got my hair done (I'll be doing a post about it either this week or next week) .
    I had decided that I wanted to cut off a lot of hair, and I wanted to add layers, so I started looking on Pinterest, then I remembered this picture that I had pinned, and I knew it was the one.
     Tip: If you can't decide what you want to do with your hair go on Pinterest and type in Demi Lovato aka hair porn queen, I'm not kidding when I say the girl has had every hair color you can imagine, and you will definitely find something you like!

   So that's all for this week check back soon for that post about my new hair cut/color, I'm going to try to get it posted this week, but it could possibly be next week.
                                                                                           Lori Ann

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Weekly Inspiration


     Last year was tough, I realized a lot of stuff, and I had to let go of a lot of people. But once I let go of them, my life turned around so quickly, and life was worth living again. If I hadn't let go of those toxic relationships I wouldn't have accomplished everything I've accomplished over the past few months.

            Goal:  Let go of the toxic people in your life, once you do you will breath so much easier.

Friday, February 14, 2014

5 Words: Week 57

      TGIF!!! It's been a busy week, and I'm exhausted. I'm super happy because I got my hair cut and colored Yesterday, and I LOVE it, I'll be doing a post about it soon!!

                                                  For now here's this week's 5 Words....

Estimable- Worthy of great respect.

Meritorious- Deserving reward or praise.

Unimpeachable- Not able to be doubted, questioned or criticized; entirely trustworthy.

Unsullied- Not spoiled or made impure.

Calamitous- Involving calamity; catastrophic; disastrous.

               By the way I almost forgot Happy Valentine's Day! That's all for this week, don't forget to follow me if you want to receive updates!
                                                                                     Lori Ann

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

TAG: What's On My iPhone?

   Hey y'all, so here recently I've seen a lot of people doing this 'What's On My iPhone' TAG, and I really wanted to do one for my blog too.
    I have the iPhone 4, I got it about a year ago, and I can upgrade later this year if I want to, and I think I'm gonna get the 4s. There's nothing really wrong with mine, I just need more storage cause I accidentally bought the 8GB, and didn't realize it till my storage was full.
    But for now it's fine, after I updated to ios7 I lost everything, so I don't have as much on it as I use to, but that's a good thing.

       So here's my lockscreen, it just a standard default photo.

Now for the main page. On this page, I have six app folders, my calender, photos, camera, settings, iTunes store, App Store, Twitter, Facebook, and Safari.

In the first app folder

In the second app folder

In the third app folder

In the fourth app folder

In the fifth app folder

In the sixth app folder

bSafe is definitely an app I recommend all women in college, or who work at night to get.

      Well that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed getting to know a little bit about me. Let me know what you think below, and don't forget to follow if you want to see more.
                                                                                      Lori Ann

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Review: Broadway High Shine Nail Polish

    Today I will be reviewing the Broadway High Shine Nail Polish in #25 Superstar.  I recently bought this nail polish at the Dollar General Store, for $1.00. I don't think I've ever used any Broadway nail polishes, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. 

    I'm only going to post one photo because I don't think more photos are needed to get my point across about this nail polish.
    I'm sure you've all noticed here lately I'm kinda obsessed with glitter nail polishes, so when I saw this in the store I had to have it.
    As you can see there aren't any chips, and that is because I've only had it on for about 5 hours. 
I don't like to use the word hate, because its such a strong word, but my opinion on this nail polishes comes very close to hating it.

So what did I think?

I'm not even going to try to be nice, I'm just gonna go straight into this review and get it over with. The brush on this nail polish was awful, it picked up too much glitter, and it didn't  move the glitter around.
You can see in the photo how some nails have a TON of glitter while others hardly have any at all.
     And you can't really tell in  the picture, or maybe you can, but it looks so cheap.

Ugh okay so I guess I really do hate it. I'm going to remove this nail polish tonight, and I think I might even throw it away, or maybe I'll give it away to one of my young cousins.
  So in case you haven't figured it out yet, NO I  do not recommend this nail polish.

 Well that's all for today's post check back tomorrow for more. Will you be buying this? Have you tried it already? Let me know what you think in the comment section.
                                                                          Lori Ann

Monday, February 10, 2014

February Music Playlist

      Happy Monday, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and that you're ready to get start this week off on the right foot! I know my week is going to be super busy, so I hope you all don't have it too bad, and if you do just remember, breath and take it all in.

     Here recently my musical tastes have been all over the charts, and it shows below. I've been listening to  country music more than I usually do, and I've been re-discovering a lot of old favorites.

    I know you're all busy, and don't have much time, but if you can remember tonight say a prayer for Trace Adkins and his family. Trace recently relapsed  after being sober for 12 years, and he is currently seeking treatment in a rehab facility to get back on track, and he could use a little bit of support.

         Well that's all for today, let me know what you think in the comments below.
                                                                               Lori Ann

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekly Inspiration


   Saying no can be hard, but sometimes it's necessary to say no. There comes a time when you realize that saying yes to everyone is hurting you. Whether it be your physical health, mental health, your career, or just your life in general. You don't wanna become known as the person who always says yes, because a lot of people abuse it and will use you for their own selfish reasons.

Goal:    Say no the next time someone asks you to help them with something you don't wanna do. Take time for yourself and don't let them guilt you into doing it.

Friday, February 7, 2014

5 Words: Week 56

           I'm so happy it's Friday, and I can finally take a minute to relax. I really am happy about finally getting my new series started, and also doing the first Monthly Goals post. So what did y'all think of it? Do you like all the new changes going on? Please let me know in the comments what you think.

      Here's this week's 5 Words...

Syntax- The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.

Tempestuous- Characterized by strong and turbulent or conflicting emotion.

Ubiquitous- Present, appearing, or found anywhere.

Unctuous- ( Of a person) excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily.

Ingratiatingly- Pleasing; agreeable.

       Well that's all for this week, don't forget to follow me if you want to see more.                                                                                                          XOXO,
                                                                           Lori Ann

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Book Review- Tiffany White- A Kiss in the Dark (Harlequin Temptation)

    Today I will be reviewing 'A Kiss in the Dark' by Tiffany White, I got this book through iTunes iBooks for free. At this time you can also get this book through Kindle for $2.99
         'A Kiss in the Dark' is a Contemporary Romance Novel, and it is 224 pages long.

      Since my e-book version didn't have a synopsis, here is one from Amazon that I trimmed down.

     "   To supplement her meager salary as a book editor, Brittany Astor answers an ad to read aloud for a client. Expecting a nice little old lady, Brittany is shocked to instead find notorious playboy Ethan Moss. Temporarily blinded, Ethan was in hiding.
     It is the perfect opportunity for a shy book editor to live out her fantasy of having a wild fling with the man of her erotic dreams.
     But how will she bear it when the fantasy ends and Ethan no longer needs her?    "

So What did I think?      3.5 STARS

     With my last book review I didn't really enjoy the book I read, but this week, I absolutely loved the book I was reading. It was incredible, I read this book in about 4 hours, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
       What I really love about this book is that it didn't rely on sex scenes, like most Harlequin novels do, to make it enjoyable or interesting, it was amazing with out it. That alone makes me love and respect Tiffany White as a author, and it makes me want to read more of her books.
      If you're sick of reading the same thing over and over like me, then I would highly recommend you read this book. At the time I found this book, I knew I didn't want to start another series, so that was a huge plus for me. 

      So that's all for today, I hope you like my little review, don't forget to check back next week for more. Have you read this book? What did you think? Do you have any recommendations?
                                                                    Lori Ann

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Books I Plan to Read in 2014

Hey y'all so today I want to share with you some of the books I plan on reading this year. I know for sure I will be reading most of them because I just ordered five of them through my local bookstore, and they should be arriving soon.

Books I Plan to Read in 2014

      Out of this entire list the book I'm looking forward to reading the most is definitely the top book. If you've been reading my blog for a while, then you know how much I loved the first three books in the Treadwell Academy series, so I'm super happy to announce that she just released the fourth book and I can't wait to read it.
     Well that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it, what books are you looking forward to reading this year? Let me know in the comments below.
                                                                  Lori Ann

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

One Last Change - The Name

      I've been going back and forth with myself trying to decide whether or not to do this, but I feel like it's the right thing to do.
I'm changing my blog name!

     You might remember a few weeks ago that I asked you all if you thought I should change it, the feedback on that post was amazing. I really do appreciate all your lovely answers, but I feel like I need to change my blog name for me. 
     This is something I need to do for myself, I've made a lot of changes over the past few months, and I promise this is the last one for a while.
       Here it is....
      The name 'We Can't Stop The World', comes from one of my favorite songs, and out of all the names I thought of, it was my favorite. I had list of about ten names to choose from and  I truly feel like this is the perfect name for where I'm at in my life.
      Also if you were wondering no I'm not changing my blog URL, just the name of the blog.

      I hope you all like it, and I PROMISE no more changes, I just think this is something I needed to do in order to make myself completely happy with my blog.
                                                                                    Lori Ann

Monday, February 3, 2014

February Goals

    Last Monday I told you about my new blogging schedule, and so today I will be sharing with you my goals for the month of February. I hate looking back and feeling like I didn't accomplish anything the month before, so that's kinda of why I wanted to start making monthly goals.

  • Lose 2 Pounds.
  • Open a savings account.
  • Finish Spanish 1, Part 1 and Part 2.
  • Start and finish College Prep American History Part 1, and start Part 2.
  • Box up my room, and prepare to move.
  • Get my hair cut and colored.
  • Read 3 Books.
  • Find new words and schedule 5 Words series for the next 2 months.
  • Order a new laptop.
  • Sign up and start preparing for the June SAT.

    I wanted to start posting my monthly goals because I think it will help me accomplish everything I want to do this year.
     For example in order to prepare for #10 I'm going to sign up to take a practice test.  I get test anxiety, so that's why I want to take a practice test, that way I know what I'm getting myself in to when I take the real test in June.
     Most of the others are pretty simple, and others I'm going to have to put a lot of work into, in order to accomplish (#3 and #4).

      I'm going to keep you updated about my goals and whether or not I accomplish them, I just haven't decided how I want to do it yet. I'm either going to do a post at the end of every month, or I'm just going to include it in the next months goals post.

                Let me know which you would prefer, by leaving a comment below.
                                                                                         Lori Ann

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Weekly Inspiration

      This is totally me, I'm always trying to prove people that I can achieve my dreams. I have a lot of people around me who don't support me, and who don't believe in me. But their negativity is what fuels me to keep going, and not give up, because I WILL prove them wrong, and I will achieve my dreams.

Goal:  Think about something in the past that you've given up on because someone told you that you would never be able to do it. After you think about it take the first step to achieve it, and prove them wrong, because you can do anything you set your mind to, it may take time, but you can do it!