
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Weekly Inspiration

"A stumble may prevent a fall." - Thomas Fuller


Friday, November 28, 2014

5 Words: Week 96

Hello lovelies, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, if you celebrate, and I hope you have a great weekend!
Also Happy Black Friday, I hope you all get some great deals, I'm not going out to the stores today, I'm staying in and doing all my shopping online. I would recommend you check out Ulta, Nordstrom, KiKi La Rue, and Fashion to Figure, they all have some amazing deals going on today wish some of them lasting the whole weekend!

Here's this week's 5 words...

Rejectamenta - Things or matter rejected as useless or worthless.

Geep - The hybrid offspring of a goat and a sheep.

Samovar - A metal urn, used for heating water for making tea.

Flapdoodle - Nonsense; bosh.

Ablacate - To wean.

That's it for this week! Don't forget to check back tomorrow because I have a very exciting announcement and I don't want you to miss it!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello lovelies, I just wanted to say a quick Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans! I will be spending the day with my mom and I have no idea what we're doing!

Things I'm Thankful For:
1. Waking up every morning
2. My mom - she's amazing!
3. My education
4. Books
5. My life! It's not perfect, but I have a mostly great family, my health is getting stronger everyday, and for that I'm thankful!

I have so much to be thankful for this year, this year has been incredible, and I'm grateful to be able to spend it with my family!
Tomorrow I'm looking forward to decorating for Christmas and lots of Christmas shopping!
I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving with your friends and family! Tell me about your Thanksgiving below, I want to hear all about it!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November Goals Update

Hello lovelies, I hope you've all had a great month, it's time for me to update you on my goals for this month!

This month I had a lot that I needed to do and honestly I didn't get most of it done. Unfortunately that means next month I have to do double the work to get back on track. I did accomplish a lot of what I wanted to do but at the same time I was also limited in what I could do, due to being sick.

I know I mentioned towards the end of last month that I was sick and at the time I was getting better. Unfortunately that didn't last long. After I got over that cold I had a stomach bug for two weeks and then I got the same cold immediately after that! The cold I have has all the symptoms of the flu, just without the fever, the first time they treated it with antibiotics, but the second go around they said that because the amoxicillan didn't kill it giving me another antibiotic wouldn't help, so I would just have to wait it out. So that's what I've been doing, Dayquil, Nyquil, and Tylenol have been my best friend this month and hopefully I don't get another round of this mess!

Overall, this month has been both awful and amazing! A lot of good things happened and a lot of bad things, but overall I;d say it was an okay month. I had one really good weekend this month where I felt pretty good and I accomplished quite a bit!

Here's this months goals and below is an update on them.

Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2
Finish Geometry Part 1 & Part 2
Make final college app decisions
Finish college app essays.
Finish all college apps.
Read six books.
Try to start exercising again.
Use MyFitnessPal for 15 days.
Write at least 5,000 for NaNoWriMo.

4 of 10 goals accomplished this month.

Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2
Unfortunately I did not finish this, I finished half of Part 1, but I got stuck on the short story I have to write, so I'm running behind. Once I get this short story out of the way I should be done in no time, but sadly it just didn't happen this month.

Finish Geometry Part 1 & Part 2
I finished Part 1, and I've started Part 2, I underestimated just how long this course was going to take me, but I should have it done in about three weeks!

Make final college app decisions.
I've made my final decisions and I'm satisfied with my choices, now the fun begins.

Finish college app essays.
This month was full of procrastination, thankfully only two of my college picks require a essay, so I'm not in big trouble, if I sit down and force myself I could probably have them done by the weekend.

Finish all college apps.
I have four college apps left to do, two of them only need the essays to be complete, and the other two I haven't started yet.

Read six books.
I think I read three books this month, it's not as much as I'd hoped for, but I'll take it.

Try to start exercising again.
I've been doing a little here and there, nothing too dramatic, my foot is feeling stronger and I think I'm ready to get back into a routine.

Use MyFitnessPal for 15 days.
I think I used my app maybe 5 days this month, it's so hard to remember to log everything.

Write at least 5,000 words for NaNoWriMo
I'm really happy with myself, with everything going on this month I didn't think I would have time to write, but I did. I didn't win and write 50,000 words this month, but I did reach my personal goal and I fixed some major problems in my plot, so I'm happy.

So that's all for today, I hope yo enjoyed it and I hope your month went better than mine!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

BLOGMAS Announcement

Hello lovlies, I hope you're having a great week, today I wanted to announce that I will be participating in Blogmas this year!

 I've never done this before, so I'm nervous about making sure I get everything up on time, but I'm up for the challenge! I've been wanting to do a blog challenge like this for a while and we all know how much I love Christmas, so this is perfect for me!

In case you're new to the blogging world Blogmas involves blogging everyday from the 1st-24th of December. This month I'll be bringing you a variety of Christmas posts as well as some of my normal posts.

If you have any requests leave them below, and if you would like to guest post please let me know, I would love to have you on my blog this Holiday season!
Are you taking part in Blogmas? If yes, leave you blog link below so I can follow along!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Weight Loss Update

Hello lovelies, I hope you had a great weekend! I have alot to tell you today, I've made so many positive changes in my life over the past month and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

I just wanna start off by saying my diet has been amazing this month and I've never been more proud of myself than I am right now!
First, I haven't had a soda in three weeks, I've been drinking water, milk, and hot chocolate.
Second, I've made some huge changes in what I've been eating this month. In order for you to understand I'm gonna need to explain it for a second then it'll all make sense.

Normally my diet consists of baked pork chops one night, tacos one night, and then the rest of the week is a mixture of different types of frozen chicken, usually Tyson brand. Well earlier this month I was just casually scrolling through Tumblr and of course I just had to come across a gif set showing how that chicken is made! And of course I read it and was completely disgusted!

So that's the story of why I'm no longer eating frozen bagged chicken from the store and the reason why my diet is so much better! Since then I've been eating fresh meat and I can't stand the thought of touching frozen bagged chicken ever again. Since this happened my mom and I have replaced the bagged chicken with fresh chicken from farms that are caged free, I feel so much better and it makes me happy knowing that the little chickens aren't suffering in cages!

This month I've been preparing my body for getting back into a routine. My ankle still hurts, but it's getting stronger everyday and I'm ready to get back to working out. I've started lifting weights again and I also got out a resistance band so that I can work my foot and keep from injuring it again. Other than that I've mostly been walking a few times a week.

Weight Lost This Month: 4 pounds
Total Weight Loss: 13 pounds

When I saw that I'd lost 4 pounds since my last weigh in I was mind blown, I'm really happy with how much I've accomplished over the past few weeks and I'm ready to see how next month goes! I'm starting to finally see a difference in my clothes and so can other people, my favorite pair of jeans are falling off of me and I had to get a new bra with a smaller band size!

Well that's it for this month's weight loss update, I hope you liked it!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekly Inspiration

I love this quote, it is so true in so many ways. I found this quote on Pinterest and I clicked through to the website Simply Darling that it came from and read an inspiring story from a really strong woman and it reminded me that I have so much to be thankful for. If you have time click on over and read that blog post, especially if you're having a bad day.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Kate Spade Holiday Cards

Hello lovelies, before earlier this year I never really was a big fan of Kate Spade, but this year I started seeing things I liked and now I love Kate Spade! I love how sophisticated and classy everything looks, I love to buy things that I know I'm going to keep for a long time.

Obviously you're not going to keep every card you receive, however sometimes you receive a special card that you just have to keep. I really love the color scheme of these Kate Spade "Happy New Year" Note Card Set, they looks so cute, the colors look great together and I could definitely see myself sending these out to my friends and family!
I haven't bought them yet, I'm going to keep looking and see what else I can find, but so far these are #1 on my list!


Friday, November 21, 2014

5 Words: Week 95

Hello lovelies, it's been a very busy, crazy, and exciting week! I guess overall you could say this week was full of madness!
I accomplished a lot in school and I also did a lot of blog planning. 

So, before I start rambling about this week, here's this weeks 5 Words...

Indagate - To investigate; research.

Troth - One's word or promise, especially in engaging oneself to marry.

Calvous - Lacking all or most of the hair on the head; bald.

Pratfall - A fall in which one lands on the buttocks.

Scaramouch - A rascal or scamp.

That's it for today! I hope you have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What to Wear: Thanksgiving

Hello lovelies, I cannot believe next Thursday is Thanksgiving! Today, I will be showing you three Thanksgiving outfits, a casual outfit, a formal outfit, and then one completely using pieces from my favorite boutique, KiKi La Rue!

First up is A Casual Thanksgiving! 

Second is A Formal Thanksgiving.

Bracelet  / Dress / Shoes

Last is this outfit I put together by KiKi La Rue.

Necklace / Bracelet / Top / Pants / Boots
Confession, I'm in love with Piko tops, if I had the money I'd buy one in every color. I love the Goldenrod color above, but my favorite is the Midnight Blue, it's so beautiful, but it's sold out everywhere, I cannot find it and I need it!

What are your thanksgiving plans? Which outfit do you prefer?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Book Review: Rachel Lee - Snowstorm Confessions

Today I will be reviewing 'Snowstorm Confessions' by Rachel Lee, copy received from Netgalley via Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.

'Her Colton Lawman' is a romantic suspense novel, it is 288 pages long and it took me about three hours to read. It is available at Amazon (paperback) for $5.50, and at Barnes & Noble (paperback) for $5.50.

Book Stats

Genre:  Romantic Suspense

Length: 288 pages

Publisher: Harlequin

Release Date: October 7, 2014

Book Synopsis:
The last man that Nurse Brianna Cole expects to bring home is the one she remembers all too well- her ex-husband Luke Masters. But when he needs to recuperate from a serious injury, her Wyoming cabin becomes his refuge. Though concussed and hazy, Luke is convinced someone pushed him off the snowy mountain he was evaluating for a ski resort. And though he can't remember why, he knows Bri is next.

Snowed in with her ex, Bri is blinded by old feelings, an attraction that never died. But the closer she gets to Luke, the closer she gets to murder. Because someone is watching her...and if he can't have her, no one can!

What Did I Think? 5 Stars

Like: The characters.
Dislike: Nothing.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would definitely recommend this book! My favorite thing about this books is definitely the characters, sometimes in harlequin books we don't get to know the characters because of word limits, but in this book you really do get to know the characters.

I also really loved getting to read from the stalkers point of view, most of the time in suspense novels you don't find out who the stalker is until the end, so i really loved getting to know what the stalker was thinking and feeling throughout the book.

Overall it was a great book, it was a quick and easy read, and it kept me entertained. At the beginning there were a few times I got names mixed up, but other than that I've got nothing to complain about, it was a good read and I would be interested in reading more from Rachel Lee.

Thank you Harlequin via Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!
Will you be buying this book? Let me know below!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Pinterest Finds

Hello lovelies, I know it's still November, but I'm going into serious Christmas mode, I'm obsessed! I've already started Christmas shopping, I've got a few presents and I've bought a couple of ornaments, I haven't gone overboard, yet. 

The past few Christmases haven't been the best, but this year I'm really feeling it, I have hope that this Christmas is going to be great! I'm determined to make this Christmas special because this is my last Christmas at home, next year I'll be off to college and I won't get to spend the entire holiday season at home

This month I've been wanting to start doing some DIY projects. I've been thinking about getting into crotchet, I tried crotchet as a child, but I could never get into it, so I want to pick it up again and see how it goes. I've been feeling really creative lately, I want to paint, and draw and just do so many things!

Anyway, enough of my rambling about how happy I am, here's what I've found on Pinterest this month!

Okay, so I guess that's it for this month's addition of Pinterest Finds, I've really been trying to limit my time on Pinterest, it's so addicting and time consuming, it's an addiction! Anyway, that's all for today, tomorrow I'll be back with a book review and Wednesday I'll be showing you my Holiday Beauty Wishlist!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Weekly Inspiration

If you're still trying you have not failed. Remember that. You only fail when you stop trying to succeed!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Making Changes

Hey y'all, I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was planning on making some changes, at the time I hadn't made any solid decisions, but now I have and I want to share them with you!

As of right now I have one temporary change and five permanent changes to tell y'all about!

Temporary Change:
Okay, you might have noticed that recently I've been posting more book reviews than anything else and there's a reason for that. The truth is when I first discovered Netgalley back in the Summer I went overboard and requested way too many books, I've been trying to get through them but it's hard to do on a tight schedule.
Right now I'm trying to get through all of the Christmas-y books that I requested, I think I have 18 so for the next few weeks you're going to be bombarded with book reviews. I think I've decided that till I can get through all these books I'm going to be posting a book review on Wednesday and Thursday, so you'll be getting an extra post a week from me.
I think after the New Year I should be caught up, but till then be prepared for great books coming your way!

Upcoming Permanent Changes Include:

Weekly Inspiration Series Update.
Honestly this one really isn't that important I just felt like mentioning it to get you ready for all the changes coming your way. Since I started my Weekly Inspiration series I've always made it a mixture of pictures and quotes I've edited and things I've found on Pinterest or Tumblr.
Well I've decided to start making all of the Weekly Inspiration edits on my own, I've planned it out so that this will go into effect the first Sunday of 2015.

The End of 5 Words.
I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was planning on ending this series at the end of the year, that is still the plan. At the time I told y'all about that I had no idea what I was going to replace it with, but now I think I've decided I'm either going to do a Friday Five or a Weekend Links! The series will be ending the last Friday of the year, and the new series will start the first Friday of 2015.

Monthly Favorites and Weight Loss Update Changes.
For the past few months I've been trying to do a monthly favorites post, but I never seem to be able to find a place to put it, so I've decided to swap a few things out.
First, changes to my Monthly Weight Loss Update. I've decided I'm going to start making this post the last Saturday of the month, that way a Monday slot is open.
Second, since  I have a open Monday slot, I've decided that that's where my Monthly Favorites will go.

Blog design.
For the most part I'm happy with my blog design at the moment, but there are a few things I want to change. First I really need to make a blog button, I realized a few days ago that I don't have one, so I'll be making one soon. Second, I think I've decided to start sponsoring blogs, so if you're interested in that let me know.  I'm keeping my color palette the way it is, but I do want to make a few tweaks.

Blog Content.
My blog content is constantly changing. One month I'll be focused on book reviews, then fashion posts, then beauty reviews. I've realized that I really need to start trying to balance out my different posts, so working on my blog schedule is something I'm trying to work on at the moment.

Most of these changes will be going into effect after the new year, so nothing dramatic, but I'm so excited and I couldn't wait to tell you. I love starting a new year because it's a chance to start over and make major changes without people questioning your sanity!

Friday, November 14, 2014

5 Words: Week 94

Hello lovelies, I feel like I've finally got back on track, even though I've been sick I've managed to stay on track and get caught up on everything. I honestly thought I was going to get behind this month, but so far everything is going great.
I thought about taking the weekend off to relax, but I think instead I'm going to work hard this weekend and try to get ahead, the next few months are going to be super busy and I want to stay on track and not get behind again!

Anyway, here's this weeks 5 Words...

Hypocorism - A nickname that shows affection or closeness. 

Bel-esprit - A person with a fine and gifted mind.

Ursprache - A hypothetically reconstructed parent language.

Tintinnabular - Of or pertaining to bells or bells ringing.

Pericope - A selection or extract from a book.

That's it for today, I will be posting tomorrow tomorrow, I want to tell y'all about some changes coming up soon!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Book Review: Carla Cassidy - Her Colton Lawman

Today I will be reviewing 'Her Colton Lawman' by Carla Cassidy, copy received from Netgalley via Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.

'Her Colton Lawman' is a romantic suspense novel, it is 288 pages long and it took me about three hours to read. It is available at Amazon (Kindle) for $4.74 and at Barnes and Noble (NOOK Book) for $4.99.

Book Stats

Genre:  Romantic Suspense

Length: 288 pages

Publisher: Harlequin

Release Date: November 4, 2014

Book Synopsis:
Witnessing a murder plunges Nina Owens into nerve-shattering danger. Police Chief Flint Colton is sure the perp is taking down witnesses, so the handsome cop orders Nina into protective custody in his home! And while she's grateful to him, Nina just can't shake her deep distrust of police. But all that falls away when Flint's scintillating kiss awakens something deep within her.

As Thanksgiving approaches with Dead River quarantined, the search for a missing child puts Nina and the killer on a collision course. She knows Flint is haunted by a past failure to save a witness and that he'll put himself in the line of fire before he ever lets her down.

What Did I Think? 4 Stars

Like: Hearing more about Gram Dottie.
Dislike: The Slow beginning.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would definitely recommend this book. Sure it wasn't as good as the first book, but I really did enjoy Her Colton Lawman and it was a good addition to the series. I really like the pace of the first book, with this book I think it started off a little slow, but after the first few chapters the pace started to pick up.

Honestly this book surprised me, I was expecting a cheesy cop protects woman, woman falls in love, they have amazing sex and want to be together forever type book, but it wasn't like that. Sure it had a few predictable moments, but overall I don't think it was cheesy at all.

Overall I really enjoyed this book and I think I'll buy the next and last book in the series.

Thank you Harlequin via Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!
Will you be buying this book? Let me know below!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Liebster Award

Hello lovelies, I've been nominated for the Liebster Award by Lucy @ LucyLou , I've been nominated before, but I decided to go ahead and do it again anyway!

If you read a lot of blogs then you probably know what the Liebster Award is, but just in case you don't here's the rules...

1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions created by the person who nominated you, then create your own set for the people who are going to nominate!
3. Choose 11 people (that have under 200 followers) to nominate and link them to your post .
4. Let the people you nominated know they've been tagged. No tag backs!

11 Facts About Me:

1. I'm addicted to Pinterest.
2. I love dogs!
3. I stress about everything.
4. I suffer from general anxiety,social anxiety, and panic attacks.
5. I'm obsessed with Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift.
6. I'm allergic to everything!
7. I've never had Starbucks before!
8. I love History, my favorite era to study is WW2.
9. I suck at math.
10. I love Christmas!
11. I have a highly addictive personality, and it's both a good and bad thing.

11 Questions from Lucy

1. What's your favorite thing about blogging?
I love the community, I'm usually very anti-social and I don't like talking to people I don't know, but the blogging community has helped me open up, and I've met so many amazing people because of it.

2. If you had to choose fashion or beauty items?
Definitely beauty, I like fashion, but I'm not as obsessed with it.

3. Favorite brand of lipstick?
I don't wear lipstick often, I usually stick with lip balm, but when I do use lipstick it's usually CoverGirl or Wet N Wild.

4. Favorite fashion brand?
I love going to Cato's, I can always find something there, my body is very hard to dress so it's nice to have a store like Cato's that makes clothes for women with curves.

5. Favorite beauty brand?
Clinique, they are my go-to for skincare and makeup.

6. Is there anything you don't enjoy about blogging?
The only thing I don't like is the competition. A little competition is good, but sometimes other bloggers can take it too far and it can make blogging hard to do.

7. Dream job?
I have a lot of different interests, but my number one dream job is to being a full-time writer. I'm planning on going to college for Psychology and Web Design, I like to keep busy so having something else that I can do at the same time makes me happy.

8. Who is your favorite blogger and why?
I don't think I have a favorite blogger, I follow so many amazing blogs that I really can't choose. Right now I'm loving The College Prepster, A Little Seersucker Sass, and Memphis Made.

9. Do you have a favorite Youtuber and why are they your favorite?
I LOVE MakeupByTiffanyD, she was the first Youtuber I ever watched, I've been watching her for about five years and she just keeps getting better.

10.Where would you love to visit in the world?
I would love to visit Europe, I love history and I love watching documentaries and reading about World War Two, so I would love to go to Germany and France, England has also been on my list of place I want to visit for a while now.

11. What is your favorite type of blog post to do?
I love doing book reviews and fashion/beauty posts, I love sharing things with other people whether that be a great book or some new beauty product I found on the internet.

My Questions:
1.How do you spend your free time?
2. What is your favorite time of year?
3. What is your social media of choice?
4. What is the last song you listened to?
5. What are three of your favorite blogs?
6. What is your favorite drugstore makeup brand?
7. Favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
8. Do you have any tattoos? What is the meaning behind them?
9. What's your favorite TV Show?
10. Best beauty advice you've ever gotten?
11. Best life advice you've ever gotten?

I Nominate:

That's all for today, I hope you liked it!

Monday, November 10, 2014

November Playlist

Hello lovelies, I hope you had a great weekend! This week is going to be very busy, I have a lot to do, but thankfully I managed to schedule things so that today isn't crazy. Other than school I'm not really sure what I'm going to be doing today, I need to finish my college essays, but other than that I think today is going to be a pretty easy day!

Anyway, here's this months playlist!
Demi Lovato - Mistake
Nick Jonas ft. Demi Lovato - Avalanche
Colbie Caillat - I Won't
Sugarland - Keep You
Carrie Underwood - Something in the Water
Christina Aguilera - We Remain
Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud
Taylor Swift - Out of the Woods
Iggy Azalea - Black Widow

That't it for today,I got nominated again for the Liebster Award, so I'll be doing that tomorrow and then Wednesday I'll have a book review for you!
What music are you listening to? Let me know below!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Weekly Inspiration

Over the years I've learned that in order to achieve your goals you have to continuously work your ass off, and if you want to succeed at something, you have to keep working. I used to think that if I was working on something really hard that I should be seeing results quickly, but the truth is it takes time, it's not going to happen overnight, and you have to keep working. If you give up on what you want most in the world, you're never gonna reach your goal, you're just going to be sad and depressed and hating the world.

Stay strong, stay focused, and keep working because things will change and you will achieve what you want!


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Weekend Wear: Southern Shirt

Hello lovelies, it's been a while since my last weekend wear post, so I decided today was the perfect time to bring it them back! Today's weekend wear is featuring Southern Shirt! Details below!
Weekend Wear: Southern Shirt
Shirt: Southern Shirt Nautical Rope L/S in Chalky Mint

I love the color of this Southern Shirt, it's one of my favorite colors and I think mixed with the darker colors it adds a pop of color to fall fashion!

That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it! What do you think about Southern Shirt? Let me know below!

Friday, November 7, 2014

5 Words: Week 93

Hello lovelies, I hope you're having a great day, I don't have much to say today, this week for the most part has been uneventful, I've been sick so I haven't really felt like doing much.

So here's this weeks 5 Words...

Tautology - The saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style.

Gibbosity - The state of being gibbous.

Ethos - The character or disposition of a community, group, person, etc.

Desiderium - An ardent longing, as for something lost.

Taradiddle - A small lie; fib.

That's it for today, as of right now I'll be posting tomorrow, so be sure to check back for that!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fall Beauty Wishlist

Hello lovelies, today I decided to share with you my Fall Beauty Wishlist! I recently cleaned out my makeup collection so I'm in need of a lot! I also threw in a few nail polishes that I just couldn't leave out! Enjoy!

Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette
Urban Decay Naked 2 Basics Palette
The Urban Decay Naked Basics palettes have been on my wishlist for a while now, I've just been trying to decide which one I want more.

L'Oreal True Match Super Blendable Foundation
I've been in search of a good foundation for a while, I don't have much experience with L'Oreal products, but this foundation has a lot of amazing reviews, so I think I'm going to try it out and see how it goes.

Clinique A Black Honey Affair Eyeshadow Palette
Earlier this year Clinique came out with a more neutral eyeshadow palette, I really wanted to buy it, but it didn't have many matte colors, so I decided not to get it. I'm still not 100% sure I want to buy this one, but I decided to share it anyway.

Formula X New Neutrals Nail Polish
I've been wanting to try the Formula X for about a year now, my favorite YouTube beauty guru (MakeupbyTiffanyD)  was obsessed with them and ever since then I've been trying to decide where to start. I think I'm going to buy the New Neutrals, it's such a beautiful color and I know I'll get a lot of use out of it!

Rimmel London Scandal Eyes Waterproof Kohl Eyeliner in Nude
Rimmel London Scandal Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner in Black
I cannot say enough good things about these eyeliners, they are amazing! I'm not joking when I say that if you don't have one you need to get one ASAP!!!
So far I've only tried the black, but I've heard a lot of great things about the Nude color so I want to get that. I also want to buy an extra black to have, I just opened one, but I don't like using the same eyeliner on my lid and water lines, earlier this year I got an eye infection from my makeup, so I'm trying to be careful and keep everything sanitary.

I love the colors in this palette, I love the Rosey-tone and I think it's my favorite out of all the naked palettes, so I really want to get it!

So that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it! Based on what you see above what would you recommend I check out this Fall? I'm always on the lookout for new makeup, so I'd love to see your suggestions!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Top 10 Books I Want to Re-read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish .
This week's theme: Top Ten Books I Want to Re-Read

When I think of books I want to re-read I there really aren't many individual books I want to re-read, most of the books I want to re-read are series, so below is three series and two books I want to re-read!

The Malory Series by Johanna Lindsey (11 Books)
I LOVE the Malory series by Johanna Lindsey, my favorite characters are Anthony and James, I want to re-read this series because a new book was added to the series over the summer and I want to refresh my memory before I read it!

The Thirst/ The Last Vampire Series by Christopher Pike (9 Books or 5 Volumes)
This is another book series I read in Middle School, I finished read the first two volumes (6 books), and I started the third volume, but I never finished it. Honestly I don't really know why I stopped reading it, I think I was going through a lot at the time and I just stopped reading it, I've always wanted to finish it, I just haven't got around to it.

The Night World Series by L.J. Smith (9 Books)
I read the Night World series when I was proabably 11/12, I was going through puberty early and I remember at the time my mom wouldn't let me wear black finger nail polish and I really just wanted to rebel. 
While we were in the bookstore one day I saw the  Night World Series and the books were all black and had dark characters on the covers and I decided that I wanted the books, I really liked the book blurb, but I also wanted them because I knew it would make my mom mad (total badass moment right *sarcasm*). 
So I got the books and I ended up loving them, unfortunately the series was never completed and L.J keeps saying it's coming soon, which she has been saying for about 16 years when the last book came out. Honestly I don;t see the book ever being published, but I still want to re-read the series. I find it funny looking back just six years ago my mom wouldn't let me even wear black nail polish, and now I'm 17 and pretty much my entire closet consists of black clothing!

Trail of Secrets by Eileen Goudge
When I was younger I never could re-read a book, Trail of Secrets was the first book I was ever able to re-read, so of course I would love to re-read it, it's been about five years since I last read it, so I think I'm ready for another round with it.

Perfect by Natasha Friend
I read this book in Middle School and I remember really loving it, so I would love to re-read it so I could share it with you all!

So that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed today's post! What books do you want to re-read? Let me  know below!

Monday, November 3, 2014

November Goals

Hello lovelies, Happy November!!!! Can you believe that there's less than 60 days till 2015? I'm freaking out, I'm happy because it's now socially acceptable to watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas carols loudly, but I'm also kinda scared. I have so much to get done over the next two months, and I'm not ready, I'm really not.

Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2
Finish Geometry Part 1 & Part 2
Make final college app decisions
Finish college app essays.
Finish all college apps.
Read six books.
Try to start exercising again.
Use MyFitnessPal for 15 days.
Write at least 5,000 for NaNoWriMo.

Finish English 2 Part 1 & Part 2
I have to read one book, do roughly ten writing assignments, and take seven quizzes, it's not going to be easy but I can do it, I've already started two of the writing assignments, and I'll take one quiz tonight, so I'm off to a great start.

Finish Geometry Part 1 & Part 2
I have eleven quizzes and one big test to finish and then I'll be done, it'll be pretty easy all I have left to do are the quizzes so not much else other than review.

Make final college app decisions
For the most past I've made most of my decisions, however I do have three schools that I'm still unsure of, so I'm going to give it a few more weeks then make my mind up.

Finish college app essays.
I think I'm pretty lucky, only three or four of my colleges require an essay, so compared to others I'm definitely lucky.

Finish all college apps.
I have two full college applications to finish and half of four that need to be finished. One of those I have short answer questions and a few other details to finish and the other two I just have the essay and then they'll be complete.

Read six books.
I think I'm a little in over my head, I requested a lot of Christmas-y books from Netgalley and I have 18 books that I need to read and review that will be releasing over the next month and a half.

Try to start exercising again.
My ankle still isn't completely healed, but it's getting better everyday and most days I hardly feel any pain at all, so this month I'm going to try to get back into a workout routine!

Use MyFitnessPal for 15 days.
I've noticed that when I use MyFitnessPal I do better with my diet and I lose more weight, so this month I want to try to get back into the habit of using it.

Write at least 5,000 for NaNoWriMo.
I WANT to write 50,000 words and win NaNoWriMo, but I know I have so much to do this month that it's not likely that I'll reach 50,000, so I'm setting a personal goal of 5,000, last month I managed 4,000 words, so I'm hoping I can write more than that!

Well that's all for today! What goals have you set for yourself this month? Let me know below or leave a link to your blog post!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Weekly Inspiration

This is a lesson I've had to learn the hard way over the last few months. I've been making excuses for a lot of things, but that's going to change, I'm changing, and it's for the better!