
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Blogmas Day 10: 10 Holiday Party Dresses

Hello lovelies,
With the Holiday season in full swing I've come to realize that I really don't own any dresses that could be considered Holiday dresses. In my closet I only have four dresses, two summer dresses, one formal dress, and one that could be worn pretty much anywhere.

So after realizing that I decided it's time to invest in some more dresses and so I've been searching the internet and I've come up with 10 Holiday Party Dresses that I would love to buy!

I've ordered these by price, lowest to highest! While I do love the last dress in this post I definitely won't be buying it because I don't have $500.00 to spend on something I would rarely ever wear, but if you have the money, I say go for it!

So, here's my picks for this Holiday season!

That's it for today, I hope you enjoyed this post. Don't forget tomorrow I will be posting my Under $100 Holiday Gift Guide tomorrow and my Over $100 Holiday Gift Guide on Friday!
Will you being going out this holiday season? What dress do you prefer?

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