
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Warby Parker Concentric Collection

Hello lovelies,
Have I ever mentioned that I'm supposed to wear glasses? I used to never wear them because my eyes weren't too bad (I'm near-sighted), but for the past year I've been having problems and I've started wearing them more and more every week.

I've been searching for an new pair of glasses because the pair I currently have really bug me, for a while I'd stopped looking and gave up hope that I would ever find any glasses that I like, but I think that might have just changed. When I first saw Warby Parkers new Concentric Collection , it made me want to start my search again! 

In this new collection there's a pair for everyone, personally I'm not a fan of  Tortoise frames, but if you like it, they have the Benchley frames , which I actually do like. They also have my personal favorite from the collection the Everly frames in Whistler Grey .

The new Warby Parker Concentric Collection is available online in stores today; starting at $145!

Here's a quick peek at some of my favorites from the collection!

What makes these glasses even better is that with every pair sold, Warby Parker donates a pair to someone in need through their non-profits. That's what makes it perfect for this time of year, you're giving a gift to yourself and a gift to someone in need! And isn't that what this time of year is about anyway, giving to those in need?

Have you checked out the new Warby Parker frames?

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