
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February Goals Update

Hello lovelies!
Sorry I haven't been posting recently, last week's snow and ice messed with our internet dish and so we haven't had any internet for a week!

I've missed blogging so much, it's been driving me crazy not being able to write! I'm hoping that this weekend I can get some blog posts scheduled for next week and get back on track soon! Senior year is really kicking my butt!

Anyway here's this months goals update!

Lose Weight
Buy a new stationary bike.
Finish Chemistry Part 1
Finish English 2 Part 2
Start & Finish Chemistry Part 2
Start & Finish Spanish 2 Part 1
Read two books.
Move and get settled into new house.
Work on blog design (Header & Background).
Get measured for a bra for the first time ever.
Try to downsize my book collection.
Go through and clean out my closet.
Make the most of UE's RoadTrip weekend.
Make sure all college applications are complete and that colleges have everything they need.

11 out of 14 accomplished!

Lose Weight.
Yes I did lose weight this month. I really need to make a full post about this, but for now I'll just give you a few details. So when I saw the doctor earlier this month I hadn't weighed myself in about two months and so when  I saw the doctor I found out that I had apparently gained back the 13 pounds I lost last year, plus and extra four pounds.
I was NOT happy when I saw that number on the scale, that is the highest I've ever weighed and I don't like it, so I've been making changes this month and so far I've lost two pounds. I don't plan on doing a weight loss update this month, but I will next month.

Buy a new stationary bike.
Sadly I didn't get a new bike this month, I had other things I needed more and so the bike took a back burner.

Finish Chemistry Part 1.
I've finished this class and now I'm just waiting to get my final grade back.

Finish English 2 Part 2.
For this class I have four assignments that I'm waiting to hear back on and then I will be done with the course.

Start & Finish Chemistry Part 2.
I've started the course but haven't finished because I'm still waiting to get grades back on assignments.

Start & Finish Spanish 2 Part 1.
Nope didn't happen!

Read two books.
This month I read Colton Holiday Lockdown and One Frosty Night. I've also been reading Ethan Frome and I hope to finish it by the weekend!

Move and get settled into new house.
I think I have two boxes left to unpack and then I'll have everything together in my bedroom, bathroom, and office.

Work on blog design (Header & Background).
I'm really happy with my new background, but I still need to design a new header. I did add a new header, I just don't like it, so I need to work on it. I also need to work on some of my widgets and re-code a few of them.

Get measured for a bra for the first time ever.
I went into Victoria's Secret last Saturday while I was in Evansville and I got measured. However, I'm still not going to be able to order online because I had to buy two different sizes. With one of the bras I bought, I was able to get the same cup size I've been buying for years, and for the other I had to go down one size, so really it's just going to depend on the type of bra I buy.

Try to downsize my book collection.
I finished this the first week of the month! In total I got rid of 24 books and I'm hoping to get rid of a few more soon!

Go through and clean out my closet.
I've cleaned my closet out a little. I got rid of a lot of stuff I haven't worn in years. I've also done a lot of shopping this month, buying things I need, and a few things I've been wanting!

Make the most of UE's RoadTrip weekend.
Last weekend was awesome! I had so much fun, I still haven't decided if UE is where I'm going to attend, but I can definitely say that I can see myself being happy there if I choose to attend.

Make sure all college applications are complete and that colleges have everything they need.
My college apps are completely done, now all I have to do is sit and wait!

So that's it for today, I have a book scheduled for tomorrow, so you have that to look forward to!
Did you accomplish your February Goals?

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