
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Book Review: Leslie Kelly - Oh, Naughty Night

Today I will be reviewing 'Oh, Naughty Night' by Leslie Kelly, copy received from Netgalley via Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.

'Oh, Naught Night' is a romance novel, it is 224 pages long and it took me about three hours to read. It is available at Amazon (Kindle) for $2.99, and at Barnes & Noble (NOOKBook) $2.99.

Book Stats

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Length: 224 Pages

Publisher: Harlequin

Release Date: October 21, 2014

Book Synopsis
Hot for the holidays!

Every Halloween party has its share of eye candy, and journalist Chaz Browning has just spotted a treat he can't resist -- a deliciously wicked witch with sparkly red hair and deep, dark eyes that promise all kinds of sexy tricks. She wants no names. No strings. Just a night of lust-filled magic.

The witch's mask may hide her face, but Lulu Vandenberg knows exactly who Chaz is. They spent most of their childhoods tormenting each other. So the moment Chaz touches her and everything turns to lust, Lulu knows she can never reveal her identity. But desire has a memory of its own, and Chaz has vowed to find his fantasy woman before the holidays end.

What did I think? 3 Stars

Would I recommend it?
If you want a fast-paced, quick read, with lots of sex, then yes I would recommend this book to you. If you're not into books with a lot of sex and sex talk, then you should probably pass this one up.

As for the characters, the chemistry between Lulu and Chaz is there from the very beginning, you can't miss it. I really enjoyed the secondary characters, I enjoyed the relationship between Lulu and Chaz's siblings.

Overall, it was an okay book, I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. I've read other books by Leslie Kelly that I liked, so I would definitely read more of her work, and I would recommend you check out some of her other books.

Thank you Harlequin via Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!
Will you be buying this book? Let me know below!

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