
Monday, June 1, 2015

June Goals

Hello Lovelies!
I hope you all had a great weekend! I can't believe it's already June, it feels like yesterday we were celebrating the new year, and now it's almost halfway gone! 
This month I'm focusing on finishing up as much schoolwork as I can, the last few months I haven't been able to stay on schedule because out internet sucks and I only have internet for two or three weeks out of the month. I'm really hoping that by the end of the month we'll have a new internet provider, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, regardless of what happens my main goal this month is to be productive and work as hard as I possibly can. School is still my main focus, but I'm also hoping to start working this month so I'm going to have to work on my time management once that happens.

Here's my goals for June!
Finish Vocabulary Studies Part 2.
I should be able to finish this by the end of next week, if my internet will work with me and not go out for days at a time like it has been here lately.

Finish College Prep Algebra II Part 1.
I just started this class so it's a long shot that I'll finish it this month, but I'm gonna try!

Start & Finish College Prep American Government.
I just got this class opened, but it looks like it's going to be a pretty easy class and I'm looking forward to getting it done and over with.

Start & Finish College Prep Economics.
This one also looks to be pretty easy.

Work on better time management.
I really need to work on this this month, since I have such terrible internet, I really need to find ways to spend my time more wisely than I have been.

Read 5 books.
Last month I didn't read that much, so this month I want to read more, I have so many ARCs that I need to read and I've decided I'm not allowing myself to request or accept any invitations for more ARCs till I get my current list read.

Lose 3 pounds.
I want to do a weight loss update later this month, I haven't done one at all this year, so I think it's time.

Find a job.
I'm really hoping to have a job by the end of the week, so fingers crossed!

Open a bank account.
As soon as I get my first check I'm opening a new bank account.


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