
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July Goals

Hello Lovelies!
I hope y'all had a great 4th of July weekend, sadly I had to work the whole weekend, but thankfully I have today off. Honestly I needed a break, the past four days have been rough and last night was it for me.

I just want to take a minute and ask all of you to please be nice to cashiers, we go through a lot on a daily basis and have to deal with some really awful people. If you're having a bad day, stay home, don't take it out on us, we're just trying to make a living.

So that's my little rant for the day, just be nice! Here's my goals for July!
10 Goals!

Finish College Prep Algebra II Part 1.
I was hoping to finish this last month, but it just didn't happen, but it will get done this month!

Finish College Prep American Government.
I'm actually enjoying this one, but at the same time I'm ready to move on to my next course.

Start & Try to Finish English 3 Part 1.
I'm just waiting for my final grades to be posted from my last two courses and then I can start this class, it should be pretty easy.

Raise My GPA.
This is a big goal for me this month, last month my GPA dropped to the lowest it's ever been, thankfully once I get my final grades back for my Vocabulary Studies course it should be back to where it was, if not higher. But still I want to get it even higher than it was before.

Read three books.
I think I read two books last month and I bought four. I think I need to read some more!

Save $100.
I was able to save $30 last month, this month I want to save more. I really need to buy a new laptop, so my plan is to spend the next few months saving money so that I can get what I want and that's going to last for years.

Blog Consistently.
So far this is not off to a good start, this post was supposed to be up yesterday, but that didn't happen.

Get Ahead With Blog Posts.
This month I want to focus on getting ahead with some blog posts, I used to schedule my posts 1-2 weeks in advance, but since I started working I've been letting that slip which is why I only had 15 posts last month.

Start Writing Again.
Can I let you in on a little secret? The truth is, I haven't written a single word for my book since December! I have a very serious case of writers blog going on, I thought that maybe if I stopped worrying about it and gave myself a break from writing it would be easier to figure out the kinks, but it's not working. I think I'm going to just move on and try working on another project, I just want to start writing again.

Read & Comment On More Blogs.
Last month I didn't read that many blogs and I didn't leave that many comments either, I hate that. I hate not reading and commenting on other blogs because it makes me feel like a bad blogger.

What are your goals for July? Let me know below!

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