
Friday, July 10, 2015

Links to Love

Hello lovelies!
I hope you all had a great week and a great weekend. This week was slightly insane, I worked 33 hours and I finished two online classes! The good news is I was able to bring my GPA up .4 points and hopefully when I finish two of my current course,s I'll be able to bring it up even higher than that.

Overall it was a great week, I worked hard, I studied hard, and I finished a book. So on next blog schedule is a book review and a Influenster VoxBox Review! (If  you follow me on Twitter then you already know what VoxBox I received).

Anyways, here's this weeks Links to Love! 

That's it for today, I hope you all had a great day. And I'm sorry this post is up a little later than it normally is, I had to go in to work at 7am, so I just now got home!
What links have you been loving? Let me know below!

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