
Monday, December 5, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 5: December + Goals

Hello Lovelies!
It's been pretty quiet this year on Writing My Story, it's been an insane year. I've been so busy and this year has just flown by, I keep trying to catch up and it just hasn't happened.

Even though I've been crazy busy I've decided to go out of 2016 with a bang! Keeping with tradition last week I started this years BLOGMAS!
Clean my room at least once a week.
I've been doing good here lately so I'm hoping I can keep it up and keep it clean.

Blog consistently throughout December.
I'm gonna give it a shot this year and see if I can keep up with the schedule I made!

Get my nose pierced?
I've been going back and forth on this for years! I was going to do it last week when I got my bonus from work, but I had to make my car payment, so it didn't happen.

Have a Christmas movie night.
I love Christmas movies, I love all the old classic cartoons and of course my favorite is The Grinch!!!

Finish the paperback book I'm reading.
I really need to finish Catching Fire and I also started re-reading Pretty Little Liars!

Get back in the gym.
Now that I'm out of physical therapy I want to get back in a normal gym routine!

Organize and declutter my closet
I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I still haven't got my winter clothes out yet! It finally started getting colder here about two weeks ago, so far I haven't needed a heavy coat during the day. However, I've been working a lot of 1-10's and so when I leave work at night I'm freezing, so I really need to find my coat and put it in my car!

Start stretching again.
I quit going to physical therapy last month, I felt like I wasn't improving enough to justify spending 2-3 hours there 2-3 days a week. I can do the stretches here and home. I haven't noticed that big of a difference since I quit going, but I do thing it will help loosen me back up.

Give Khan Academy a try.
I really want to improve my math skills, I want to brush up on old skills and master new skills. Also I love history, so I'm hoping their History courses will be what I'm looking for!

Find time to enjoy Christmas music this year.
Last year between working and everyday life I didn't get to listen to a lot of Christmas music. I love Christmas music, so I want to make the time to listen to it and enjoy it this year!

Be more active on social media.
I've been working on this  here recently, I've been trying really hard with twitter, I try to queue enough posts for a week on Tumblr. My problem area seems to be Instagram!

What are your goals for this month?

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