
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 6: Gifts for Him

Hello Lovelies!
Sorry this is so late in the day, but it's been a crazy day! I started off at the podiatrist this morning and he put me in a walking boot for my foot. After I got home, I had to wait all day for the cable man to come, finally my TV is fixed. no more missing channels. While he was working I got distracted trying to clean my little cousins room in my house. She always leaves it a mess and he needed to get to the TV.

Anyway, men are so hard to shop for, I had such a hard time creating this post, but I wanted to write it for other women who have a hard time shopping for men.

My favorite is the glasses set and I also really like the Ted Baker London Watch!

Any advice on shopping for men? Leave it below!

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