
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Links to Love + Top 4 Posts of 2016

Hello Lovelies!
This was supposed to go up yesterday, but it was a long day. It started out with only 5 hours of sleep (the most sleep I've got all week)! I started out at my family doctor and I was supposed to go get blood work after that, but I didn't have time, so I'll be doing that next week!

I was late getting called back, which put me behind schedule leaving for my doctors appointment in Nashville!!! I was already anxious about getting my injection, since the last one didn't go so well, so of course my blood pressure was a little high all day.

I was really worried cause if you're more than 15 minutes late you have to reschedule your appointment and we live almost two hours away from Nashville. (Yes, it's ridiculous that I have to drive two hours for a injection that takes less than 15 minutes!) Somehow we managed to make it to the doctor with 5 minutes to spare! (Thank you, God.)

Overall, it really wasn't a bad trip, I love going to Nashville, I just wish we weren't so rushed and I could have enjoyed it a little more. So I'm off work for another four days to recover and I'm hoping I can spend it planning content for the new year!

Also, some good news from yesterday, I've lost 8 pounds since I saw the doctor in November! I had no idea but I'm really happy about it!

Here's this week's Links to Love!
Instagram is one of my most ignored social media channels, I always forget about it. Maybe this hashtag cheat sheet will help me step up my game, I suck at hashtags, so wish me good luck!

Sadly I'll be in bed all weekend, but I can still look at all the cute NYE dresses, right? Next year I'm thinking either Nashville or Florida for NYE, if I can get time off work!

10 Signs you are a Mature Adult
I got 2 out of 10!

Standing Core Workout
I definitely want to give this a try in a few weeks when I'm feeling better!

Writing My Story's Best Blog Posts of 2016
Things That Annoy Me: Driving

Well, Goodbye 2016! I hope you all have a good night, be safe, enjoy, and get ready for 2017!
 Are you ready for 2017? Let me know below!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Book Review - In A Killer's Sights

Hello Lovelies!
Today I will be reviewing 'In A Killer's Sights' by Sandra Robbins, copy received from Netgalley via Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.

'In A Killer's Sights' is a romantic suspense novel, it is 288 pages long and it took me about three hours to read. It is available at Amazon (Kindle) for $4.99, and Barnes & Noble (NOOK Book) for $4.99.

About The Book

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Length: 288 Pages

Publisher: Harlequin

Release Date: July 5, 2016

Book Synopsis
When Gwen Harwell witnesses someone dumping a body into the Tennessee river, she knows she's the killer's new target. Far from home on a work assignment, she isn't sure where to turn-especially when her ex-husband appears. Five years ago, Dean Harwell's burdens from his police work tore their marriage apart. But now he says he's changed. He's working as a rancher; he's put his problems behind him. And he's committed to keeping her safe until the killer is caught. With their troubled past, trusting him with her life is hard enough. Can she trust him with the truth about the child he doesn't know about?

What did I think?

Like: Didn't wanna put it down.

Would I recommend it?
I like how Gwen and Dean were able to work through their differences and find forgiveness. I really liked the ending, the killer ended up being exactly who I thought it was and I love a good happy ending.

Honestly it's been a few months since I read this book so it's kind of hard for me to give an in depth review cause I've read so many books since then. But I do remember loving this book and wanting to read more from this series!

Overall, I loved this book and I definitely plan on continuing to read this series!

Thank you Harlequin via Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!
Will you be buying this book? Let me know below!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Goals Update

Hello Lovelies!
Looking back at the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year, I think I did really good! I accomplished more than I thought I would. 2016 in some ways was better than 2015, and in some ways worse. But overall, I think it was a pretty good year!

I still can't believe the year is over and we're getting ready to start a new one!
This is how my goals went in 2016!

Blog Related
- Reach 100 blog followers. (I'm at 62 followers, I think at the beginning of the year I had 45)
-Comment on other blogs more.
-Post more. Get back to a normal blogging schedule. (Working on it)
-Clean up everything, blog content, blog design, social media profiles, EVERYTHING!
-Increase Social Media Reach
-Read More ARCs, request less.

School Related
-Study more.
-Start college. (Sadly didn't happen, no money = no college)
-Work extra hard in Math.
-Stop being so antisocial and make friends!

Health Related
-Lose 60 pounds or more. (Down 7 pounds, shit happened!)
-Be in a size 10 by the end of the year (Still at an 18)
-Cut back on desserts
-Worry less and live in the moment.

 Here's a few more things I wanted to do this year!

Things I Want to Do:
-Open a savings account. (Bahahaha, nope!)
-Buy a new laptop
-Read 30 books. (Made it to 14!)
-Meet with an Army Recruiter. (Never gonna happen, I have too many health issues)
-Buy my blog URL. (maybe next year?)
-Buy a pair of high heels. (My foot is in a boot brace, I don't think I need to add heels!)
-Closet clean out party!
-Budget better!
-Backup my photos more often!
-Redecorate my room.
-Diversify my blog.
-Buy a really nice bag.
-Be more present and social online.
-Kick  my snooze button addiction.
-Live more than I work.
-Be Happy (I'm working on it!)

I think this is the first year I've actually made a pretty good dent in my goals. I'm excited to see how next year goes!

How did you do with your goals? Are you ready for a new year?

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Hello Lovelies!
We have one week left in 2016, so let's make the best of it!

Friday, December 23, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 23: Victoria's Secret Gift Guide

Hello Lovelies!
This will be my last gift guide of the year, so I decided to do something a little different! I love Victoria's Secret, they have so many cute and sexy products and I love to look in store and online every chance I get.

I was just in there a few days ago and they still have many great things that could be given as a gift to yourself or to any special ladies in your life! If you haven't finished shopping good luck today, I hope you find everything you want and need!

Me on the other hand, I'm done shopping, but unfortunately I work retail so I'm terrified of going in to work today!

That's all for today, stay safe shopping!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 18: Weekly Inspiration

Hello Lovelies!
"Think back  years ago. Think of where you're at today. Think ahead  years and what you want to accomplish. Be Unstoppable!"
-Dwayne Johnson

I think leading up to the new year this is something we should all be thinking about. We have two weeks to think about all the things we want to accomplish in the new year, so take advantage of the days and make it happen!

Friday, December 16, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 16: Links to Love

Hello Lovelies!
Today is day 3 of my 4 days off this week and I am LOVING it! Yesterday I got to go to Evansville, Indianna with my best friend (it's about 45 minutes from us, but there's so much more to do).

We had so much fun, we started at Ulta, ate some Chic-Fil-A, then on to Sephora, H&M, Old Navy and we walked around a little while. Overall, it was a great day, it was freezing cold, but the trip was worth it!

Here's this week's Links to Love!

That's all for today! What links have you been loving this week? Let me know below!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 15: Book Review - Their First Family Christmas

Hello Lovelies!
Today I will be reviewing 'Their First Family Christmas' by Alison Roberts, copy received from Netgalley via Harlequin in exchange for an honest review.

'Their Fitst Family Christmas' is a romacne novel, it is 256 pages long and it took me about three hours to read. It is available at Amazon ( Kindle) $4.99,  Barnes & Noble (NOOKBook).

About The Book

Genre: Medical Romance

Length: 256 Pages

Publisher: Harlequin

Release Date: November 1, 2016

Book Synopsis
Her Christmas past becomes her Christmas present!

When Dr. Emma Matthews was entrusted with the guardianship of her best friend's daughter, she promised that every Christmas would be special...But this Christmas Eve, Jack Reynolds - her old flame and Lily's Uncle - has walked back into their lives.

Both Emma and Jack still bear the scars of this time last year. But now Jack wants to start again - being there for his adorable niece, picking up where he an Emma left off, and giving them all the family Christmas they deserve!

What did I think? 4.5 Stars

Like: The Honesty.
Dislike: Undecided.

Would I recommend it?
I love how open and honest the two main characters were with each other. It seems here lately, with most of the books I've been reading, a lot of the characters problems would be solved if they would just communicate and be honest.

I'm kind of undecided on what I think about the ending, I'm glad there was an epilogue, but I feel like the story before the epilogue was cut short, I feel like it needed a few more pages.

Overall, I really liked this book and I'm interested in reading more from the author!

Thank you Harlequin via Netgalley for providing me with this book in exchange for an honest review!
Will you be buying this book? Let me know below!

Monday, December 12, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 12: December Playlist

Hello Lovelies!
It's been a while since I've done a monthly playlist, I wanna say the last one I did was back in the summer! I'm definitely not listening to the same things I was then.

Right now I  have to say my favorite song is Closer by The Chainsmokers! I can't get enough, I'm obsessed with this song! 

And of course, my two holiday favorite songs are Where Are You Christmas by Faith Hill and Greatest Time of Year by Aly & AJ! These two songs have been on my holiday playlist for years!

Here's the rest of my December Playlist!

Where Are You Christmas // Faith Hill
Greatest Time of Year // Aly & AJ
Closer // The Chainsmokers
You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch // Jordan Smith
The Christmas Song // Andy Williams
Jingle Bells // Kenny Chesney
Santa Baby // Kellie Pickler
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas // Kelly Clarkson

What are you listening to this month? Let me know below!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Blogmas Day 11: Weekly Inspiration

Hello Lovelies!
"If you're asked to take a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat, just get on."
-Sheryl Sandberg


Friday, December 9, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 9: Links to Love

Hello Lovelies!
Its hard to believe we have just over two weeks till Christmas! This year has flown by and I don't know what to think about it.

This week has actually been pretty crappy, my doctor put me in a boot to stabilize my foot and work has really sucked.

However, I get four days off next week and I'm choosing to keep my mind on that instead of the bad!

Anyway, here's this week's Links to Love.

What have you been loving this week? Let me know below!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 8: Gifts for Her

Hello Lovelies!
Continuing with this week's theme of holiday gift guides, today is for the ladies! I might suck at shopping for guys, but I'm pretty good at gift buying for women.

I've actually bought a few of these and love them, so I had to share them!

The Clinique Moisture Surge overnight mask is really good for sensitive skin. I have combo/oily skin but my cheeks tend to get really dry during the winter. I tried a sample of this mask earlier this year and loved it!

I got a sample of the Black Opium from Ulta last month and I'm in love!

The Hand Food lotion in the Soap and Glory set is amazing, I really want to try the foot cream too.

What are you buying for the ladies in your life this year?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 7: Favorite Hallmark Channel Movies

Hello Lovelies!
Today I wanted to share with you my favorite Hallmark Channel Movies! From October 31 till the end of December my TV is always on Hallmark channel and my DVR is full with my favorite shows!

The Christmas Card is my favorite Hallmark movie of all time! I have it saved on my dvr and watch it yearround!

Matchmaker Santa is a really sweet Christmas movie, I'm a sucker for a good love story!

A Very Merry Mix-Up is another love story success, I can't resist.

Let It Snow I love Candace Cameron Bure

The Ultimate Gift I don't love this one as much as the others, but it is a Christmas tradition to watch it every year and it has a great message.

A December Bride (New!) I think this one premiered on Sunday and I really did like it, it was cute and I watched it all the way through. It was the perfect ending to a rough day at work.

What are your favorite Hallmark Holiday Movies? Let me know below!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 6: Gifts for Him

Hello Lovelies!
Sorry this is so late in the day, but it's been a crazy day! I started off at the podiatrist this morning and he put me in a walking boot for my foot. After I got home, I had to wait all day for the cable man to come, finally my TV is fixed. no more missing channels. While he was working I got distracted trying to clean my little cousins room in my house. She always leaves it a mess and he needed to get to the TV.

Anyway, men are so hard to shop for, I had such a hard time creating this post, but I wanted to write it for other women who have a hard time shopping for men.

My favorite is the glasses set and I also really like the Ted Baker London Watch!

Any advice on shopping for men? Leave it below!

Monday, December 5, 2016

BLOGMAS Day 5: December + Goals

Hello Lovelies!
It's been pretty quiet this year on Writing My Story, it's been an insane year. I've been so busy and this year has just flown by, I keep trying to catch up and it just hasn't happened.

Even though I've been crazy busy I've decided to go out of 2016 with a bang! Keeping with tradition last week I started this years BLOGMAS!
Clean my room at least once a week.
I've been doing good here lately so I'm hoping I can keep it up and keep it clean.

Blog consistently throughout December.
I'm gonna give it a shot this year and see if I can keep up with the schedule I made!

Get my nose pierced?
I've been going back and forth on this for years! I was going to do it last week when I got my bonus from work, but I had to make my car payment, so it didn't happen.

Have a Christmas movie night.
I love Christmas movies, I love all the old classic cartoons and of course my favorite is The Grinch!!!

Finish the paperback book I'm reading.
I really need to finish Catching Fire and I also started re-reading Pretty Little Liars!

Get back in the gym.
Now that I'm out of physical therapy I want to get back in a normal gym routine!

Organize and declutter my closet
I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I still haven't got my winter clothes out yet! It finally started getting colder here about two weeks ago, so far I haven't needed a heavy coat during the day. However, I've been working a lot of 1-10's and so when I leave work at night I'm freezing, so I really need to find my coat and put it in my car!

Start stretching again.
I quit going to physical therapy last month, I felt like I wasn't improving enough to justify spending 2-3 hours there 2-3 days a week. I can do the stretches here and home. I haven't noticed that big of a difference since I quit going, but I do thing it will help loosen me back up.

Give Khan Academy a try.
I really want to improve my math skills, I want to brush up on old skills and master new skills. Also I love history, so I'm hoping their History courses will be what I'm looking for!

Find time to enjoy Christmas music this year.
Last year between working and everyday life I didn't get to listen to a lot of Christmas music. I love Christmas music, so I want to make the time to listen to it and enjoy it this year!

Be more active on social media.
I've been working on this  here recently, I've been trying really hard with twitter, I try to queue enough posts for a week on Tumblr. My problem area seems to be Instagram!

What are your goals for this month?

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Weekly Inspiration

Hello Lovelies!
"Remember that just because you hit bottom doesn't mean you have to stay there."
-Robert Downey Jr.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Weekend Wear

Hello Lovelies!
It feels like forever since I did a Weekend Wear post, I felt like this was the perfect time of year to bring it back to the blog!

I'm having so much fun putting together new outffit ideas for y'all, I forgot how much I used to love Polyvore! So here's to re-booting an old series!
Made using Polyvore.

Happy Blogmas everyone! What are you into wearing this weekend?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

BLOGMAS: Kate Spade Gift Guide

Hello Lovelies!
To kick off Blogmas this year I decided to start with a gift guide! I've been wanting to do this post for a while now, so I'm really excited to finally be posting it!

My number one Kate Spade want is definitely one of their watches, I just can't decide which one I want more. Also the leather wristlets, I love the burgundy color, but the blue is my all-time favorite color, I can't decide!

Anyway, here's the first of many gift guides to start the season with!

That's all for today, come back tomorrow for more Blogmas fun!